Chapter Twenty SevenBy MN,.

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Eight years later

Phil's Pov

Dan and I had four kids, and Chris and Pj had three, and we still lived together, it just made it easier to balance everything.

Dan and I's kids were, Wolfe, Harry, Hermione and Millie.

Pj and Chris's kids were Jeremy, Sophia and Tanya.

Chris was still a stay at home parent, and I was when I wasn't doing book signings, or interviews. Dan still worked as a producer, and Pj still had the same job he had before.

On the sixth of November I had a book signing in Manchester, and as we had all moved to London not long after the birth of Dan and I's second kid, and the discovery of Chris's second pregnancy, and we had a massive house, and it meant a shorter drive to work for Dan.

So I had gotten the train that day early, as I was doing two signings in the same day in Manchester, to mark the release of my twentieth new book.

It was my favourite one to right so far, as it was set in a place we had all gone on holiday in America, and I got to right from a different perspective. It was fun.

By the time I got on the train to go home again, it was five, and it was already dark, even though it was only four in the evening. I knew Dan was working until nine that night as he had shift change and started working at midday for a while, but I knew that my kids would be safe in the hands of Pj and Chris, and that they wouldn't let Wolfe and Jeremy stay out to late, even though they tried to push their luck and do that, even though they were only thirteen.

They thought as they were teenagers, they should be allowed to do it, although they still did get incredibly good grades and helped tutor Sophia who had dyslexia and sometimes needed the extra help.

When I got off the train, it was nearly half past six, and I decided it would be okay for me to walk home. I wasn't too tired, despite the early morning, and the cool breeze was nice.

However, as I took a short cut down an alley, I realised my mistake. It wasn't a good idea going down a dark alley in the middle of London, and yet I had done it.

" What do you want?" Someone snarled close to me.

I jumped.

" I-I was just taking a short cut." I whispered.

" I recognise you from somewhere." The guy said circling me.

" Now now Bret don't mess around." A girl whispered not far from us, making me jump again.

" I guess you are right."

They both jumped me, and I struggled to fight back. The guy, Bret was bigger than me, and although the girl was slightly smaller in height she was a lot stronger.

I tried to scream, but a hand covered my mouth, and as I tried to bite them, it didn't seem to hurt and the hand didn't move.

A smash to the back of my head resulted in darkness.

Aled's Pov

The surgery had been moved to an earlier time, as a lot of teenagers listened to our show, and we wanted to be there for them, so having it earlier but after Dr Rhada's shifts, meant that they found it easier to have their questions answer.

However during one show, something bad happened.

We were talking about self harming that night, and we were talking when one of our producers collapsed. 

I just looked at Dr Rhada and she looked back at me worried, and we were both glad that there wasn't any cameras on for this show.

I finished what I say saying as quickly as possible while one of the other producers but some music on so that Rhada and I could go check on the producer.

She went over, and found out where he was bleeding. He was bleeding heavily from his nose, the back of his head, he was coughing up blood, and I was panicking.

I knew this producer, everyone did.

Dan Howell-Lester.

He was a guy who, despite his awkwardness, talked to people and made sure that everyone was okay before going on, and he was so caring. Also I had met his family a fair few times, including the other two people him and his husband lived with, and they were all so kind, and you could tell that they were all family orientated.

" Rhada? Why did he collapse?"

" His soul mate. Something has happened to his soul mate. I- I don't think Dan is going to be alive much longer. The extent of his injuries..."

" Right, I'll call an ambulance, Mark, can you get his phone and ring er...Chris I think his name was. We need to find out where Phil was today, also what time he was expected home. If he isn't home already, call the police to get looking for him, okay?"

" Right."

Everyone started rushing off to do these things, and I sat stroking Dan's hair as Rhada tried to stop some of the blood flow.

" We're loosing the pulse." Rhada told us.

" Chris said Phil should have been home by now."

" The police are looking."

" The ambulance are on their way."

It was about five minutes before the ambulance got there that Rhada told us.

" The pulse is gone."

" There isn't any way to help?" I asked desperately.

" No, in this situation, I'd have to be working on Phil instead of Dan. He's gone."

I froze, and a few tears dripped from my eyes, and everyone else in the office was like that. Therre was still music playing, but the show was beginning to end, and I had no idea what to do.

" Aled, you go and end the show. I'll stay with Dan." Rhada told me.

I ended the show after drying my face, and apologised to the audience for the abrupt ending and stuff, but told them it couldn't be helped, but I didn't elaborate.

Luckily the next show was in a different studio, so we didn't have to worry about getting in anyones way. When the ambulance arrived, they got Dan onto a gurney, and took him before Producer Mark thought of something.

" I didn't tell Chris something had happened to Dan."

" What?" Rhada asked confused.

" I never mentioned it, and I am pretty sure he thinks Dan was wondering. Oh god."

" Calm down, ring back now."

Chris's Pov

" PJ!" I screamed after the second call of the day from the BBC.

" Chris? Chris what is it?" He asked running in out of breath as the kids followed him.

" Dan and Phil, they're....they're..."

" Chris?" Pj asked worriedly.

" They're dead."


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2015 ⏰

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