Chapter Nineteen

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AN: Sorry it has been so long. So what are you guys thinking of DanandPhilgames? I LOVE IT! It's awesome to wake up if it had been uploaded during the night and get to watch it before having to go out. Please review.

Dan's Pov

The next day, we got an early train to South Hampton. The train ride was long, but yet it did not bother us. We talked and ate and laughed and listened to music, sharing head phones.

When we were arrived, we were immediately greeted by my Mum and Dad. They hugged both of us, despite Mum having only met Phil once, and Dad not meeting him at all.

" We're so sorry for your loss Phil." Mum whispered, hugging him once more.

He gave her a sort of brave half smile.

" Come on then kids, into the car." Dad said.

We did as he said, getting into the car, and strapping ourselves in. With the engine started up, we settled in for the ride, and Phil stared out of the window, fascinated by what he saw. He hadn't seen the beautiful ocean or the rocky beaches or anything like that, but he was drawn to it.

" It's beautiful." He whispered in awe.

" It is." I agreed.

When we got to where I had grown up Phil shrunk slightly in on himself. He seemed slightly intimidated by its size, and surprised that it was as big as it was.

" Woah." He whispered, eyes wide.

" Come on Philly."

I pulled him after me into the house, and I flung my shoes to a side, encouraging him to do the same. He did with a hestitant look at me.

" Phil, Dan why don't you go upstairs for a while? You are going to be here for a week or so, so you better spend a bit of time sorting things out. You know, arrange to meet up with some of your friends Dan. Megan and George have missed you. As have Tyler and Troye and Matt and Louise. I think you better see them."

" Okay, is that alright with you Phil?"

He nodded, squeezing my hand.

" Sure, but I kind of need to change. I feel kind of dirty."

" Sure go on." I said kissing him.

He did, as I pointed him to which room was mine. I felt fine, so I just went about messaging everyone to meet me at the park, and they all agreed, all of them not wanting to wait to meet Phil, and wanting to meet us as soon as possible. I agreed. I wanted them to meet Phil, and I hoped they all got on well.

We left ten minutes later, having around thirty pounds each in our pockets, and not being able to wait. I was looking forward to seeing them all again, and Phil couldn't wait to meet my friends as well as finding out embarrassing stories about me, and I knew I had to stop that from happening.

We arrived, and Louise immediately ingulfed the both of us into a hug. She pulled away a minute later, smiling happily.

" Hi Phil! I'm Louise! I have heard so much about you! Dan has been telling me through phone calls and texts. We are all so excited to meet you. It's awesome. I am so glad Dan found his soul mate and..."

" Lu, calm down love." Matt said.

" Sorry."

" Hi, I'm Matt."

" Hi, Phil, nice to meet you." Phil said, introducing himself.

Everyone else was introduced and we all got fish and chips and sat on the swings at the park. It was relaxing, and there weren't that many people about, despite the fact that it was only three in the afternoon.

Phil seemed to be getting on really well with Troye, and they were happily laughing with each while Tyler and I watched our respective soul mates.

" I know we are all going to be friends." Louise said, sitting down beside us.

" You do?"

" Yeah I can see it. We need to met Pj and Chris I think." She said.

" Yeah you do. They are awesome." I agreed.

" Yeah. They came down to York for Phil as soon as they could, and they seemed okay then." George remarked.

" Yeah. They did."

" They seemed fine then."

We continued watching Phil and Troye talking and laughing, and they seemed happy. Half an hour later they joined us,

" Dan, did I ever tell you that I got into Manchester University?" Phil asked.

" No, you didn't."

" Sorry, but did you know Tyler and Troye are going to be there as well. We were going to do a gap year . We had decided to, but at last minute we changed our minds. I feel like I need to go there now. You know?"

" Oh."

" You got in too though Dan. Your Mum told me." Tyler remarked.

" I got in and no one told me!" I yelled.

" Erm, yeah."

" THIS IS AMAZING!" I yelled, arms flying into the air.

I grabbed Phil, pulling him in for a kiss, and he kissed me back with passion, but I could feel the head radiating from his cheeks. He was blushing, embarrassed that we were kissing in front of all of my friends.

I pulled back, and just hugged him tightly. I had worried about this. What if none of us got into Manchester University? Or what if we ended up at different places? What would have happened then?

" I'm glad." Phil whispered, looking up at me.

" Me too."

Someone coughed, and we pulled apart, embarrassed.

" Sorry." I said.

They just shook their heads fondly. Louise and Matt were older than us, and they had already been going to a university in London, as did George and Megan, but I knew we would all keep in touch. Nothing could split us up.

" Wait, Tyler and Troye, where are you staying up there?"

" We have a house that we got a few years back that we are using. It's all ready for us. We are moving up there in a few months."

I nodded, and Phil played with his fingers.

We talked longer, and for most of it Phil seemed subdued again. When we arrived home, he seemed more comfortable, and then when we went to bed, he snuggled into me happily, and still I knew that he couldn't sleep.

" What's the matter Phil?"

" I-I don't know. I was talking and I was happy, and I was having so much fun, and then suddenly I felt sad and tired and I don't know why."

" It's going to be fine Phil, I promise." I said, pressing a kiss to his head.

He nodded, and eventually fell asleep curled up together. The next day, we managed to get Phil to a doctor who prescribed him some anti depressants. He was told to take to take two a day. One at night and one just after getting up in the morning. There didn't seem to be many side affects and it was also meant to stop all the emotional swings of sadness that Phil seemed to be getting.

" Do you feel any better Phil?" I asked the night before we were due to leave to go back to Manchester as I kissed his head softly.

" Much, thanks Dan." He whispered sincerely.

" It was my pleasure." I replied before we snuggled down and slowly fell to sleep.

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