Chapter Nine

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Phil's Pov

I was trapped within myself, a picture of lonliness as with all my heart, I tried to escape my prison, meet my soul mate and be happy. I would have my family, my friends and my soul mate. What more on this Earth could be better than that? But yet, there I was, trapped within a cage in my own mind, begging to be set free by someone, anyone, but the reality was it was going to be a hard and long journey before that was the case, and yet I knew the battle would be hard for me, as well as Dan, but I was willing to fight in, and I hoped that he was.

There was the chip of doubt within my mind, forever telling me that he didn't really want me.  If he had the choice, he would have chosen someone else. Someone fun. Someone happy, someone that was not me.

Part of me, told myself, that it was not true.

The other part said it was.

I didn't know which part to believe.

Hours, days, minutes, weeks, I had no idea of time. The concept did not exist when one was trapped within their own mind. Even if it did exist however, there would be no way that I would have been able to tell.

I was brought out of the horror of my own mind for a while, not long, but enough time to give myself something to go on. Dan did want me, and when I was free, he would be there. I grasped this thought with all my might, never wanting to let it go. It was the straws that I grasped and never wanted to let go.

When I was drawn back into my own mind, led by an angel, he talked to me.

" Philip." He said.

" Phil." I corrected automatically.

He smiled correcting himself.

" Phil, do you have any indication as to how long you have been trapped within your own mind, not being able to escape?"

" It is hard, I tried to somehow document it, counting seconds, hours, but it is impossible. How can I know if I am giving the correct amount of time between the seconds, as I know time can pass quickly or slowly."

" Correct. You have been stuck within your mind for about a week. It has been four days since Dan found you in York."

" Will I ever be free?" I asked.

" Yes. It shall take a while, a few weeks, which isn't considered that long, but within your mind it will take longer."

" Who are you? If you don't mind me asking?"

" I am not an angel, which I can tell you are thinking. Well, I sort of am, but not in the way that you may think. My name is Gerald, but I do need to go. We shall meet again Phil Lester." He said before disappearing.

I sighed. I was alone again, but who knew for how long.

I knew how I was going to get out, having researched it before. I had been ready to slip out of my outward consious and to within me, as I knew that there was a chance, and to make sure that I wasn't stuck for too long, I had left evidence on how to get myself free, but I had a feeling that they had not found it.

There was a potion. It was a clear, colourless liquid with a distinct sheen that gave off the aroma of fish, with a mix of bananas, giving a confusing scent.

I would have to take it once a week for ten weeks, as would Dan, but mixed in with it would be a drop of each of our hairs, which sort of reminded me of polyjuice potion from Harry Potter, but the potion would taste better, and the effect would be completely different.

We'd take the potion, and it would lead Dan to my mind. He would bit by bit be able to break down the invisible wall that had got there when I had been drawn away by it.

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