Chapter Ten

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AN: Please vote and review. Please. Please.

Disclaimer: I do not own Dan or Phil. Probably a good thing really.

Chapter Ten Chris's Pov

Dan wheeled Phil down the street, pressing a kiss to Phil's temple every so often. Phil seemed to be murmering nonsence, but Dan kept agreeing with him, giving him encouragement. Pj took my hand as we walked behind them to the bus stop.

" What do you think Phil is saying?" Pj asked me.

" It could be anything, but he seems happy, and that's what matters." I told him.

" Of course. Dan looks happy that Phil is trying to communicate with him, even though he is making no sense."

" Yeah. Love you Pj."

" I love you too Chris." He whispered squeezing his hand.

" We're at the bus stop." Dan told us, snapping us out of our little moment.

" Thanks Dan." Pj said.

" Sorry for disturbing your moment."

" Na, it's fine. We would have kept on walking. Not stopping." I said laughing slightly.

We sat down on the bench at the bus stop, and waited chatting happily about random nonsence. When the bus pulled up, it was lowered slightly, making it more accessible for Phil. I paid the £6.80 it cost for four singles to go to Asda, and then we sat down chatting once more.

Lunch was fun, and we even managed to have fun shopping. We packed up quickly, not needing help, but yet still disappointing some money into the young brownies bucket for which she was raising money for cancer.

We called a taxi, packed it and got in, feeling happy.

" So Dan, what's your mothers name?"

" Isobel."

" Do you get on with her?" Pj asked.

" Fairly well. We had our ups and downs, but who doesn't sometimes have arguments with their parents?"

" Very true." I agreed.

" Well except Phil." I said smiling slightly.

" Yeah, but he is one of the most loyal people that you can ever have the pleasure to meet, so it doesn't make it bad or anything like that."  Dan said.

" Yeah."

We got out of the taxi, paying the quiet driver and grabbing our bags of shopping from the boot, while Dan helped get Phil's wheelchair free, and then helping Phil into it, who murmered in a way that seemed grateful.

Dan dropped a kiss to his head, and Phil gurgled happily. Dan smiled, it lighting up his entire face.

Dan hung some of the bags off the handles of Phil's wheelchair before wheeling him up the path towards his house and knocking on the door.

Amelia answered it, and she smiled.

" Come in, come in. Your Mum just rang she is about an hour away, but she is stuck in traffic, so she isn't sure how long it is going to take."

" That's alright."

We walked in, and helped her put the shopping away, and she insisted we leave so that she was able to cook in peace, as she was worried about making a good impression on her."

Dan convinced us that she had nothing to worry about as his mother was a free happy spirit, and would more than likely end up being a bit over enthusiastic.

" Come on then, we might as well change." I said.

" Right, we want to make sure that we don't set a bad example about Phil, as we are his best friends and we want to make her think that our dear Philip has a good taste in friends." Pj said, finishing pompously.

" You guys are great, you have no need to worry. It will all be fine." Dan said reassuringly.

" I hope." I said, gulping slightly.

I had no idea how it was going to go, but I didn't want it to end badly. Dan seemed like an awesome guy, and I couldn't help but think that Dan's mother would happen to be the same.

" Dan, don't want to offend you, but where's your Dad?" I asked nervously.

" Oh, he's on a business trip for a few days. Mum has told him what happened though. He said that he would meet the rest of the guys at some point."

" Oh, okay then. I thought he might be ill or something." I told him.

" No, he's fine."

" Good."

We changed quickly, Chris doing Phil's shoes while Pj straightened Phil's hair and Dan did his own with his straightners.

" Guys, I just need to check my facebook. Megan and George probably messaged me, and they might be slightly annoyed if I don't reply. I haven't even checked my phone in days either."

" Go on then Dan. We still have some time before your mother's arrival, we can all go on the internet for a while."

We all began surfing the internet, and we hardly noticed Phil's struggles. He was wriggling from side to side in his wheelchair which had been carried upstairs, and he was trying to get out of his chair.

I jumped up, moving, trying to make him sit still. I had no idea what he was doing. He was wriggling anxiously, but none of us knew what he was doing.

" Phil? What are you doing? Phil?" Dan asked worriedly.

" I don't know. What should we do?"

" I don't know." Pj told us.

" I'll get Phil's Mum."

I ran down the stairs, and got her, and she was panicking slightly. We entered the room, and Pj was torn between trying to help Phil, and calming down Dan who was having trouble breathing. He was shaking, trying to help Phil in any way he could.

" Let me see him." Mrs Lester said.

She went through, and she checked his forehead, and listened to his wheezing before nodding and hurrying out of the room, leaving all of us completely confused.

She entered again a few moments later, and she carefully helped him take a drink, and his wheezing slowed. She carried on giving him some drinks, and she eventually stopped, and he gurgled happily.

" What was the matter with him?" I asked.

" He was dehydrated." She told us.

" Oh my god." Dan said.

" Dan..." Mrs Lester started.

" Oh my god." He repeated.

He ran from the room, and he locked himself in the bathroom. We followed, and I heard sobbing echoing from the bathroom.

" Dan? Dan? It's okay. You didn't mean to." Mrs Lester said.

" Yeah come on buddy. It's fine. It was a mistake."

His sobs stopped slightly, and his eyes peeked out of the door, cautiously looking at Mrs Lester.

" You aren't mad? I forgot to give him a drink, and he nearly dehydrated!" Dan panicked.

Mrs Lester pulled him into a hug, rubbing his back softly.

" Hey it's okay Dan, you are only sixteen, and you've been doing a great job. You only forgot one little thing, for which it is hardly your fault. It's like being a parent or a nurse, and you wouldn't be ready to do either of them for a while yet, don't you think?"

" I guess that's true."

" Good boy. Now go and wash your face, your mother isn't too far away."

Dan did as she said, cleaning his face, and jumping excitedly as the door bell rang.

" Go on." Mrs Lester encouraged, and smiling as he did so, he flew down the stairs to greet his mother.

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