Chapter Eight

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I watch warily as Harry walks out into the open, his wand ready in his hand.

Everything seems to move in slow motion at first. Harry takes a look around him, at the people, and then the arena in front of him. The golden egg sits in the center of it all, and he begins to rush forward the moment he lays his eyes on it.

I turn my head away with a grimace as I hear the sudden roar of the dragon. The sound mixes with yells throughout the crowd, and I find my heart beginning to race as I slowly look back. I can see Harry curled up behind a large rock as the creature stalks toward him. I spend the rest of the fight with my face buried in my hands, not wanting to see him get hurt.

Finally, cheers ring out all around me. Hermione shakes me while laughing, while Ron is on my other side yelling in triumph. I look to see Harry holding the egg up, a huge grin on his face.

I'm the first to jump out of my seat and run down the steps of the stands, Hermione and Ron close behind me as I try to find him. I then notice the medical tent, where we see Harry rushed in by Madame Pomfrey. It only confirms that he's hurt, which sends my heart racing once again. I start to feel slightly dizzy as we follow him inside.

"Harry!" I exclaim, stepping into the tent. He looks up, a smile growing onto his face as Madame Pomfrey begins uttering spells. Her wand is pointed at a streak of blood across his shoulder. I suddenly am not worrying about him as the mild dizziness grows, my head feeling fuzzy as my vision goes dark around the edges.

Just then Harry winces, putting the hand of his good arm over his forehead. Madame Pomfrey, not seeming to notice, finishes with the cut and walks away, mumbling angrily about putting innocent children in danger for a game.

Harry's eyes flicker up to mine, his expression of confusion turning to one of fear as he sees my face. My vision continues to darken as he jumps to his feet. The last thing I can see is him rushing toward me, my legs giving out from under me.

Harry's POV

It doesn't seem right, my scar hurting just for Cassie to faint seconds later.

I sit by her bed in the hospital wing, just as I have been for hours. I haven't left her side since the tent; I had seen her begin to fall and lunged forward just in time, keeping her from hurting herself. When Madame Pomfrey noticed, she freaked out, to put it lightly, checking her pulse and everything. I carried her to the hospital wing, not taking my eyes off of her face. Never have I seen her so pale.

A few people came and visited. Ron and Hermione of course came with me, and visited again a bit later, along with her other roommates. Even Neville came when Ron told him about her.

I don't want to leave. I've never been so worried about her; besides, I can't stand to let her wake up with no one with her. It's almost five, just when I'm falling asleep in my chair, when a scream cuts through the air like a knife from in front of me.

I jerk awake, jumping to my feet as Cassie sits up, screaming. She clutches her head, leaning forward so I can't see her face. My heart pounding, I stare at her in utter horror as she begins to shake, her wails not ceasing.

"Move, Mister Potter!" Madame Pomfrey gasps as she rushes over towards her. She has a bottle in her hand, and pours a dark liquid into a cup. I quickly back over to the other side of the room, feeling more helpless than ever. It's like watching her be tortured, not able to do a thing. She suddenly begins to calm down, her screams softening to quiet sobs that make me want to rush forward and hold her until she's okay again.

I can't see her behind Madame Pomfrey, but I watch her hand clutch the blanket as she's given the potion. It doesn't take her long to sink back into the pillows. Her eyes are shut by the time I can see her face again, her unconscious expression showing no evidence of what had just occurred.

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