Chapter Seventeen

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We snuck outside, moving a bit into the Forbidden Forest. I never would've done anything like this even just a year ago...but right now, it felt right.

Harry and I managed to find a small clearing. We let the cloak fall to the forest floor, placing the Marauder's map on top of it.

"What do you wanna do?" I asked, sitting down. He sat next to me, frowning.

"I'm not sure."

"That's okay. We can just talk," I said, nearly cringing at how awkward I sounded. But it was okay - we talked for a long time, somehow falling on the topic of patronuses.

"Do you want to try one?" Harry asked all of a sudden. My eyes widened a little.

"No. No, I can't."

"Sure you can," he said, standing up. He held out a hand, pulling out his wand with the other.

I bit my lip a little, letting him pull me to my feet. I took my wand out as he cast one, his stag prancing around us for a while before disappearing.

"Okay. Think of the happiest memory you have - it has to be strong."

I tried, at first thinking of my dad in general. Then again, with different memories I shared with him, like learning to ride a bike, or going on a trip with him to New York City.

Then I moved on to Hogwarts memories - finding out I was a witch, getting on the quidditch team last year. Each time, something happened, but it was only a small stream of silver that appeared.

"I'm sorry, Harry. I can't do it," I sighed, feeling defeated. He shook his head.

"No, you can. What are you thinking about?"

I explained the things I had come up with, and he shook his head.

"They aren't strong enough. Try something else."

I didn't answer, looking into his eyes, the moonlight reflecting off of his glasses. I turned around, casting it again, hoping for it to take the shape of an animal. It didn't, but a stronger stream of light flooded from my wand this time.

"Cassie, that was the best you've done!" he exclaimed. I turned back around, wrapping my arms around myself. "What did you think about?"

For once, I didn't blush. I didn't look down. I let my arms fall back to my sides.


He smiled a little.

"Look, I'm really sorry," I sighed. "I can't do this, I want to but I-"

"Close your eyes."

I fell silent, staring blankly at him. "What?"

"I want you to close your eyes," he repeated, his smile growing slightly.

I nodded a single time, closing my eyes as he said. I heard his footsteps, coming closer and closer.

I felt lips press against mine.

My wand slipped from my hand, dropping onto the forest floor. My arms wrapped around Harry's neck, his around my waist, pulling me even closer to his body. The kiss deepened, our lips moving in sync. I could feel my heart beating faster than ever before, yet I wasn't scared or nervous. Everything was perfect. It seemed to last forever, and even forever wasn't enough. We both pulled away at the same time. My breath caught in my throat. We stared into each other's eyes for many long moments, neither of us wanting the feeling to end.

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