Members of the Order appeared all around us. Harry kept me tucked safely under his arm as he backed up, pulling out his wand. One of the members managed to apparate right next to Malfoy, knocking the prophecy to the ground. I watched as it shattered, the death eater's face turning red with anger.
I pulled out my wand again, breaking free from Harry to join the fight. I was able to stun and knock out a few more death eaters when I heard Harry's scream.
I whipped around, immediately thinking that he was under the cruciatus curse, or was just hurt. But I was not prepared to see Sirius, a smile etched on his face as he floated back into the arch, his eyes closing.
Lupin was there by Harry, trying desperately to hold him back from chasing Bellatrix. He quickly broke free, running out of the room towards her.
"Harry, no!" I screamed. I started to run after him, when I felt a spell hit me from behind. I could feel myself leave the ground, slamming into a wall. Everything went black.
I woke up in the hospital wing.
I was aching just as bad as when I woke up from the cruciatus curse; except now, I knew there was something physically wrong.
I wanted to move, but I found that there was a heavy cast around my entire torso, also going up around my shoulder and down my left arm. There was a pain worse than everything else in the back of my head, a throbbing feeling causing me to wince as I tried to look around. Then, I saw that my ankle also had a cast around it.
"Cassie," someone muttered. There was the sound of a chair scraping the ground, and I could see Harry's face.
"What happened?" I asked weakly.
"I didn't see exactly...Hermione says she saw a very powerful spell hit you," he explained. "It threw you back, and you hit the wall really broke a lot of bones."
"I can feel that," I mumbled. "Does Madame Pomfrey have painkillers I can use or something?"
He chuckled. "She just gave you some about an hour ago."
"Hard to believe. I feel like crap."
"Mister Potter, is she awake?" Madame Pomfrey called from her office.
She came bustling out with her normal tray.
She healed me pretty quickly, taking off all the casts. Apparently, she couldn't heal bones unless you were awake...which sucked. She explained to be that I had not only a broken spine and arm, twisted ankle, and dislocated shoulder, but also a relatively bad concussion.
Harry barely left my side, apparently. After the first day Madame Pomfrey made him leave at curfew, he just snuck back with his cloak and slept next to me. I was asleep for over three days; it was basically a short coma.
I was exhausted after Madame Pomfrey fixed everything. I just felt achy and tired...I wanted to sleep more. But I also wanted to talk to Harry.
"I missed you," I mumbled, trying to keep my eyes from drifting shut.
"I missed you too. Cassie, I was so stupid, I should've realized that it was okay to forgive him," he sighed, running a hand through his hair. "And then, I just got jealous...I can't believe I actually went and did those things with Cho because of you and Malfoy."

Him - A Harry Potter Love Story
FanfictionBeing best friends with Harry, Ron and Hermione was dangerous, and Cassandra Winters was aware of that by the end of their first year. As a Gryffindor who questioned the hat's decision to put her where it did, she avoided the trio's excursions and m...