Chapter Fifteen

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After almost ten minutes of regaining my breath and preparing to stand, I slowly made my way to the bathroom.

I was praying we had bandages - we had to still. Dad bled very easily while he was sick and needed to have a bunch of bandaging around at all times.

While holding the arm with the cut shoulder to my chest, I rummaged through the medicine cabinet, finding white bandaging behind some pain killers. I took both things out, wincing when I saw my face in the mirror.

After nearly twenty minutes of struggling and pain, I stumbled back to my room and immediately fell asleep on my bed, not even bothering to try and pull the covers over me.


Dear Cassie,
Please tell me you're doing okay. I was terrified when you said your mother's been yelling at you, I can't believe you never told me. I've been incredibly worried.
While you were in the hospital wing, there was a Hogsmeade trip. I went to one of the stores and found this for you. Merry Christmas, Cassie!

I looked into the envelope to see a silver chain. I smiled a little, pulling it out to reveal a beautiful phoenix necklace, small and simple, with little red jewels covering the bird. I undid the clasp, reaching up to try and put it around my neck when a sharp pain in my shoulder stopped me. I let out a small cry, dropping the necklace back onto my bed.

Hedwig sat in the window, tilting her head to the side. I looked up at her, faking a smile and going to get a piece of paper and an envelope.

Dear Harry,
I've been

I stopped, not knowing what to write. If Harry was worried about me being yelled at, how would he react to what happened the other day? I didn't want to tell him, I couldn't.

I've been great. She still yells a little, but it's not as bad as before. Please don't worry.
Thank you for your gift - it was incredibly thoughtful of you to go get something for me. I wish I could've done the same for you, but my mom doesn't like me leaving the house by myself, and she's been busy with work and hasn't been able to take me anywhere. I hope you're having a merry Christmas!

I folded the paper up and put it in the envelope, sealing it and writing Harry's name on it. I handed it to Hedwig, along with a treat. I had an owl myself, but Mum had made me keep him in the basement for all of break.

Hedwig let out an appreciative sound and flew off. I closed the window just as my mom swung my door open.

"What was that sound?" she asked, her words slurred. It was only ten in the morning, and she was already drunk?

"Nothing, Mum," I said quietly, moving over to my bed to cover the letter and gift from Harry. Her eyes still traveled to the bed, her head tilting a little to the side.

"What was that on your bed?"

"Nothing," I said, my voice rising a little. I wasn't sure what she'd do if she realized I had gotten a gift for Christmas; she said I wasn't good enough for any this year.

She stormed over, pushing me to the ground. With a cry, I tried to break my fall with my hands, which sent another strike of pain through my shoulder.

I looked up to see her holding the necklace and glaring at me.

"Mum, give it back!" I cried out, trying to get up. The bruises on my ribs were protesting at all the movement, but I wasn't about to let her take the one thing I now had to remind me to keep fighting.

"Who gave you this?!" she shouted. As soon as I made it to my feet, she slapped me, causing me to stumble and fall once again.

"Just a friend from Hogwarts! Please, Mum!"

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