Chapter Sixty-Three

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Harry's POV

"Hogwarts," I murmured.


"Hogwarts," I repeated, loudly this time. "There has to be one there. Where else would he hide one?"

We stood at the edge of the lake, changing into dry clothing. Hermione had just finished her rant of me not letting Voldemort in; however, despite the fact that he now knew that we were destroying the horcruxes, I had seen where he doesn't want us to go. We needed to go to Hogwarts.

"Did you see it?" Ron asked, frowning. "Did you see what it is?"

"No," I murmured. "But I know that something is there."

"Harry...what about Cassie?" Hermione mentioned. I froze, letting out a sigh.

"Oh god."

"We at least need to go back and tell her," Ron said. "We can't just disappear."

"She'll want to come," Hermione argued, voicing my exact thoughts. "That whole thing about her wanting to keep the babies safe? She wasn't lying, but she definitely won't want to stay at home if we're going back to Hogwarts. There's far too much there, it could be where this all ends."

"And I don't want to leave her behind," I added. "Not again. I want to be there for her. If something happened with the twins when I wasn't with her..."

"But is it safe there? Death eaters will be everywhere, with Snape as headmaster," Ron pointed out.

"The Room of Requirement," Hermione suggested. "She could stay there."

"That could work," Ron agreed.

"Someone just needs to make sure she doesn't try and leave," I said.

"Her parents," Hermione confirmed.

"She's eight months, now. I need to have her close to me," I said with a sigh. "I think we should do it."

Cassie's POV

I immediately got up and walked over to Harry, hugging him when I saw him in the doorway. He carefully wrapped his arms around me, pulling away and gently placing his hands on my stomach. It was huge, now, and incredibly uncomfortable.

"How are they?" Harry asked, smiling at me.

"Not coming out," I grumbled, making him laugh. I rolled my eyes. "I know I said I didn't want them to come until this is over but...holy shit, these babies are huge."

"Hey, it's less than a month now," he told me, kissing my forehead. "Come on, sit down."

I didn't complain as he led me back to the bed, helping me sit. "Is this gonna be long? I need to pee."

He chuckled. "Go ahead. You probably should now."

He pulled me up, walking me to the bathroom that connected to my room and the one next to it. He actually had started helping me go, given the fact that I was having trouble sitting down and standing up in general, let alone with a toilet.

When I had finished, he walked me back to the bed and sat down next to me.

"So...when we got the horcrux at Gringotts, I had a vision," Harry started. "And...and I think the next horcrux is at Hogwarts."

"No. You aren't leaving me here," I immediately argued, shifting my position so I could face him a little. "I don't care if-"

"Cassie," he laughed, grabbing my hand. "We weren't planning on leaving you. If you want to come, and I want you to so I can be close, then you'd stay in the Room of Requirement."

"As long as I'm near you," I sighed, relieved that he didn't want to leave me behind again. "Thank you."

"I couldn't let you stay here by yourself. Not now," he said, rubbing my stomach. I smiled, looking up at him. When he noticed, he let out a small laugh. "What?"

"You're going to make a great father," I said softly, placing my hand over his.

"And you'll make an even better mother," he chuckled, leaning forward and pecking my lips. "Although, I will admit that I'm terrified."

"What?" I muttered with a small laugh. "Of what?"

"Of...of not being a great father," he responded, his smile faltering on his face. "What if they don't like me?"

"Harry, they'll like you," I said, rubbing my thumb over his hand. "I've learned that...that no matter how mean parents are to you, you'll still love them. You'll still love them as long as they were there for you at one point in your life."

"I'll be there for them as much as I can," Harry murmured, leaning down and kissing my stomach.

"Then they'll like you, Harry," I assured him. "Trust me."


"Are you sure it's okay for her to apparate?" Mum asked nervously, glancing at my stomach.

"This will hopefully be the last time," I said, my hands on the bump. "You'll be with me, Mum. It'll be okay."

We stood outside, preparing to apparate. It was just Harry, Ron, Hermione and I for now; we decided that we should have as few people as possible go at a time, and we could probably all fit under Harry's cloak if we crouched down. I grabbed onto Harry's hand, Hermione taking mine, and Ron taking Harry's. I prayed that this wouldn't hurt the babies as we apparated to Hogsmeade, immediately placing my hands back on them when we got there.

An alarm rang out.

I let out a small gasp as Harry began fumbling through his bag for the invisibility cloak. Only a moment later, we heard someone hiss, "In here!" The voice had come from the building next to us, and we quickly ran inside.

No one was there.

We quietly walked around as we waited for the death eaters searching outside to go away. I was holding my stomach rather tightly, not wanting them to be hurt. After a few minutes of silence, a man came from the downstairs area of the place.

"Aberforth," Harry mumbled.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, his eyes flashing quickly over us all, landing on me a little longer than the rest.

"We're stopping Voldemort," Harry responded confidently. "We need to find his horcruxes."

"Why can't you just give up?" he groaned, making me frown. "You can't stop him, Potter. No one can. Not even my brother could have."

"How can you say that?" I snapped. His wary eyes flickered over to me again.

"A girl stupid enough to get pregnant during a war is not one to stop him, that's for sure."

"Don't talk to her like that!" Harry growled, stepping in front of me. "She's done more than you ever could."

"Do you want to get into Hogwarts or not?" he sighed, narrowing his eyes at Harry.

"How can we get in?" Hermione asked him. "There are death eaters everywhere."

"Follow me."

We walked down the stairs behind him, Harry and I going last so I could take my time. By the time we got down, the three of them watched a girl in a portrait walk away from the frame, further and further down a tunnel of some sort until she couldn't be seen.

"Where is she going?" Ron asked. No one responded.

A minute later, the girl reappeared, someone beside her this time.

"Is that Neville?" Hermione wondered, and as he came closer, I realized that it was.

A moment later, the portrait swung open to reveal Neville, cuts and bruises covering his face. We all let out a gasp.

"Neville, mate, what happened?" Ron asked, shocked.

"Come on, I'll talk to you on the way," he said with a laugh, about to turn until he saw me. "Cassie!"

"Yeah, I know," I sighed. "Don't make a big deal out of it."

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