A/N oh my god I'm almost finished writing the story this is terrifying
A couple days later, Mrs. Weasley took me out to a drug store in a small town a few miles away from their house. After the nausea didn't cease throughout the mornings, we decided that I needed to make sure. I told her about pregnancy tests, and she agreed to take me out to get some. We would use the bathroom there so I wouldn't have to deal with trying to hide it back at the house.
"Where's the bathroom?" I asked the lady at the counter as Mrs. Weasley paid with the muggle money she got from Mr. Weasley.
"Back right corner of the store," she said, thankfully not seeming to care that we were obviously going there for me to take the test.
"Thank you," I responded, and Mrs. Weasley walked me back. She handed me a test, and I walked into one of the stalls, my heart beating faster than ever before.
After doing what I needed to do, I walked back out, carefully placing the test on the side of the sink. I washed my hands and dried them, taking deep breaths to try and calm my racing heart. Mrs. Weasley watched, a look of anticipation on her face.
A couple minutes later, a small beep came from the stick. I let out a small gasp, burying my face in my hands.
"I can't look. I can't."
I heard Mrs. Weasley step over. I watched through my fingers as she picked the test up, biting her lip before looking back up at me.
"You're going to be a mother, Cassie."
A month passed.
I convinced Mrs. Weasley to not tell anyone. Once I got used to the morning sickness, it became easier to hide; they completely forgot about it. She had convinced them that I was just upset about Harry.
I had made the mistake of mentioning me leaving to find my parents, and Mrs. Weasley immediately refused to let me. However, I wasn't about to let this stop me. I spent a week planning and packing, managing to steal some of the muggle money Mr. Weasley kept for work. As bad as I felt about it, I needed to do this; stealing from him was better than stealing from a stranger on the streets or something. I also had a purse that I put an extension charm on, just what Hermione had done before she and the others left.
I saw the article about Harry, Ron and Hermione breaking into the Ministry; I was glad to read that none of them had been hurt. However, I hadn't seen anything since, and that scared me.
But I couldn't stay here just to wait for articles on Harry. I had to start looking for my parents.
Two weeks later
"Do you know a couple with the last name Hayes?"
"I'm sorry, ma'am. I'm not sure," the lady at the counter sighed. "You should go to the bookstore downtown. The woman there knows almost everyone around here."
For the first time since I had left the Weasleys, I felt a flutter of hope inside me.
"Thank you. Thank you," I mumbled, placing a hand on my stomach as I walked out of the store. It had become a habit of mine, lately; I had recently noticed a small bump forming, and while the thought of a baby growing inside me terrified me, it also fascinated me.
I had written a note and apparated away in the middle of the night a couple weeks ago. I had a blanket and pillow that I slept on in alleys every night where I wouldn't be seen, and used magic to make sure I didn't look like I was sleeping in alleys. I walked around every day, asking people if they knew anyone with my grandparents' last name. What the lady at the small supermarket had told me was more than I'd learned this entire time.
After finding a map of the entire town, I realized that downtown was almost eight miles away. I had been closer to there when I first came here, but I didn't know where I was going then.
It took me a few days to get there. The route was weird, and I barely could find any places to rest, let alone find food. By the time I found the bookstore, I had finished all the food I brought with me. I stepped up to the door, about to open it when I realized that no one was inside.
A small sign on the door read 'Closed on Sundays.'
I let out a groan and trudged back down the steps to find another alley.
I stepped into the store the next day, biting my lip. I needed this to be it. I couldn't look any longer. I was exhausted. I wanted nothing more than to give up.
"Excuse me?"
The lady at the counter looked up from a book she was reading. A small gasp suddenly escaped her mouth, and the book fell out of her hands. Startled, I backed up a little, my hand immediately going to my stomach.
"Oh-wow, I'm so sorry," she sighed, leaning over and picking the book up, not bothering to find her place again before putting it on the counter. "You-you...look like someone I used to know."
The woman stood up straight, leaning over the counter with her elbows on the wood. She looked like she was in her late thirties, her hair almost seeming like a lighter version of mine. Her eyes were light and cheerful, although the way they looked at me made me feel slightly nervous.
"Um-I was wondering if you knew anyone with the last name Hayes?" I asked, and she bit her lip a little.
"Yeah, yeah I do."
I took a deep breath, not able to stop the smile from appearing on my face. "You have no idea how great it is to hear that."
"How do you know my parents?" she asked, looking at me with slightly wide eyes. I felt my breath catch in my throat.
"Your parents?"
"Yes." She studied me closer, her eyes narrowing a little.
"Amelie?" I whispered. She gulped a little.
"Seriously, tell me who you are," she said, shaking her head a little.
I took a shaky breath. "Is your name Amelie?"
Slowly, she nodded.
"I'm Adeline's daughter."

Him - A Harry Potter Love Story
Fiksi PenggemarBeing best friends with Harry, Ron and Hermione was dangerous, and Cassandra Winters was aware of that by the end of their first year. As a Gryffindor who questioned the hat's decision to put her where it did, she avoided the trio's excursions and m...