Chapter One

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Fourth Year

"Cassie, hey!"

I whip around, and for the first time since we left Hogwarts, smile. There Harry stands, stepping away from his cart.

"Harry," I breathe out, running into his outstretched arms. The hug only lasts a few moments before he pulls away from me, grabbing his cart again. I step away to get mine, rolling it over to where he stands.

"How are you? How was your summer?" He won't stop smiling, making it easier for me to lie as I answer him.

"I'm good - my summer was great," I tell him. "What about yours?"

"It was awesome! I'm still upset that you couldn't come to the World Cup with us," he sighs, starting to walk towards the platform.

"How was it?" I ask, following him.

"It was great - although, I'm sure you've heard about what happened there."

I don't answer at first as we walk through the wall, seeing the Hogwarts Express in front of us for the first time in a few months.

"No, I didn't," I say, frowning. "What ha-"

"Cassie! Harry!" Hermione is suddenly in my view, waving at us from right outside one of the train's entrances. "Come on, Ron's getting a seat!"

"I'll tell you later," Harry sighs. I chuckle a little and follow him and Hermione onto the train.

"Hi, Harry, Cassie." Ron stands up when we step into the compartment, smiling from ear to ear.

"Hey Ron." I wave a little, sitting down next to Harry as Hermione sits next to Ron.

I ask about their summers, listening to all that happened before they went to the World Cup together. A few minutes later, the train starts to move. After a few more minutes of catching up with each other, the compartment door slides open to reveal Malfoy.

"Well if it isn't Potter and the freaks," he sneers. "Definitely a fantastic place to sit, but I'll pass."

"Now's not the time, Malfoy," I say, rolling my eyes at him. His head jerks down to look at me, a smirk growing onto his face.

"How could I have forgotten Potter's girlfriend?" He starts to laugh as I fall silent, my cheeks turning red. "Look, Potter, she fancies you!"

"Seriously?" I stand up, since I'm closest to the door, taking a step toward him. "Like I said, now is not the time. Is that really so hard for your tiny dysfunctional brain to understand?"

"Mudblood," he scoffs before walking off. I feel a pang in my heart as I hear the word, slowly sliding the door closed as I sit back down, my eyes cast downward.

"Nice, Cassie," Ron chuckles. "You've gotten better at scaring him away."

When I don't respond, I feel Harry place his hand on my shoulder. "Cassie, are you alright?"

I stand up when I my eyes begin to sting with tears threatening to fall, making sure I was facing away from everyone.

"I-I'm sorry, I'll be right back," I say, my voice breaking as I slip out of the compartment. I close the door and walk a few doors down, leaning against the wall and sliding down to a sitting position, pulling my knees to my chest with my arms. I close my eyes, letting the tears pour down my cheeks.

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