Chapter Sixteen

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Throughout the rest of the day, Harry begged me to get the cut on my shoulder checked by Madame Pomfrey. I kept pleading with him to not make me go back, but he wouldn't listen. After dinner he practically dragged me to the hospital wing, my shoulder starting to hurt as he did so.

"Harry!" I pulled away from him, backing up a little. "I'm sorry. I'll go, just please stop being forceful."

His eyes softened, and he nodded quickly. I walked next to him, hoping what Madame Pomfrey needed to do wouldn't hurt.

"Hello, dearie," she said, having looked up from some papers on her desk. "What's wrong?"

Harry, thankfully, had a story made up so he didn't tell her that it was my mother. She rushed me over to a bed, carefully pulling down the collar of my robe and examining the bandages. I didn't look, the blood always making me feel slightly sick. Harry stood behind her, his eyes widening a little bit.

"Oh, goodness. You should've come sooner!" Madame Pomfrey started unwrapping the bandages, causing me to wince every few seconds. I felt the cold air hit the wound, and let out a small whimper as it started to sting.

"Is it okay?"

"It's infected!" She exclaimed. "I'll have to clean it before closing it up. Lay down, I'll be right back."

I laid down against the pillows, feeling slightly sick to my stomach. Harry moved over to the other side of the bed, taking my hand.

"I don't know if she'll let me stay, but Cassie-"

"I'm sorry, Mister Potter, but I need to close the curtains," she said, ushering him away. She carried a tray that had a cup filled with a potion of some sorts, two washcloths, her wand, and a bottle that presumably had another potion in it.

Harry squeezed my hand before walking out, Madame Pomfrey dragging the curtain around my bed. She rubbed my arm a little as an attempt to comfort me, then pushed the potion in my face.

"Drink. It'll dull the pain," she ordered. I did as she said, choking a bit on the bitter liquid. Immediately after I handed the cup back, she shoved one of the cloths in my mouth.

She poured some of the liquid in the bottle on the other washcloth, pressing it against the deep cut.

A scream caught in my throat, the washcloth in my mouth cutting it off. The pain in the wound grew and grew, until black spots danced before my eyes. I couldn't even feel her remove the cloth as she started to heal the wound, everything becoming incredibly blurry and disorienting. Realizing she had left, I could see Harry walk up to me.

"Please don't get hurt again, Cassie...I love you."

With that, he pressed a kiss against my forehead and started to walk away. Not thinking, I mumbled a few words back that caused him to turn around, his eyes widening slightly. After a few moments, he shook his head a little, walking out.


"You don't remember anything?" Harry asked as we walked along the hall. I was rubbing my shoulder, fascinated at the fact that I felt no pain.

"No. I kind of remember the potion I drank, but I felt like I just woke up a few hours later."

"Well...I'm glad you aren't hurt anymore," he said, looking down a little. I smiled at him, nudging his arm with my elbow.

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