Nico Di Angelo and the Seven

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This is based off of an amazing idea I saw in the comments with someone as snow white and the seven as the seven dwarfs so if that was you thank you so much! TRIGGER WARNING: Abusive relationships, alchohol and violence. This one's going to be sad, just a warning. Also, check the cast list for who in the seven is which of the dwarfs. Also at the top have a video that made me cry the first three times I watched it. Enjoy!

Nico's POV

He hit me one last time before I was running. I felt his hand on my cheek, my skin throbbing underneath. I glanced up at him, my tear filled eyes connecting with his golden ones. Ricardo had beautiful eyes, eyes that had drawn me in immediately, but now all they seemed to to was push me away, cause me pain. It was a second after that when I started running. 

I didn't bring anything with me, I was too preoccupied with getting away from Ricardo. My feet were pounding against the pavement, slipping slightly in the slick coating of rain. Droplets peppered my head, flattening my hair down to my head but I didn't stop. I had no idea where I was going but I was getting away, and that was what mattered. 

After half an hour of full out sprinting I arrived at a huge townhouse, panting heavily. Throughout my journey I hadn't stopped once but as soon as I stopped running the weight of the past twenty four hours dropped onto my shoulders, and I nearly buckled under the weight. I knocked on the door and after a few minutes it cracked open, six curious faces staring back at me. Hazel was the first person to smile and she grabbed my hand, dragging me into the warmth of the house. "Hi, Nico!" she grinned. "What're you doing here?" 

"More like what happened," Annabeth muttered, chewing on a pencil previously behind her ear. "It was with Ricardo, wasn't it? I always knew he was bad news." Hazel glanced up at me, the tears streaming down my face confirming Annabeth's words. 

"Don't cry!" she begged. "You can stay here!" 

"Not in my bed," Jason muttered. "I need my beauty sleep." 

"He can have my bed," Hazel decided. "I can sleep with Frank." Frank blushed a deep crimson, but nodded his approval of the plan. "Is everyone else okay with that?" 

"I'm fine, but you're going to have to deal with some explosions," Leo said. A boom sounded in the other room and he winced. "I should go check on that. Nico, make yourself at home." 

"I am perfectly okay with Nico staying here, but there is the cost to consider," Annabeth mused. "We're already behind with bills and another mouth to feed-" 

"I have money!" I blurted. "I'll pay for everything!" Annabeth grinned.

"Welcome to our home, Nico!" 

"Fine," Jason sighed. "Nico's tolerable, I guess." 

"As long as he's not loud!" Piper called from her bed. "I need sleep!" 

"Percy's already loud enough," Jason smirked, gesturing to Percy subtly wiping his nose. 

"I told you I have allergies!" Percy whined. "I can't help it! And Nico, please don't take my tissues. I need them. Other than that, you can stay."  I let out a sigh of relief. I had somewhere top stay and right now, that was my first priority.

"Come on," Hazel said, putting a hand on my back and leading me toward her bed. "You've had a long day, you should get some sleep." 

I didn't have any pajamas but I was almost asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. I was in between Percy, who was constantly sneezing and Jason, who was yelling at Percy for constantly sneezing but somehow I felt more at home here than I ever did with Ricardo. 

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