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I'm doing a series based on the album Fine Line and I'm really excited!! I feel like a decent amount of you have already heard it but if you haven't I'd really recommend it because it's very quickly become one of my favorites. Anyway, this is going to be three parts with the song title I think best fits the theme as the title. If you look hard enough, I've tried to sprinkle in some little references for you to find:). There will be a couple of flashbacks and those will be marked, but it will always switch back to the present day at a POV change so as long as it doesn't say it's a flashback, just assume it's present day. Anyway, I hope you like it!

Nico's POV

There's something to be said about waking up early. Sure, it's not the most popular thing, and it's often associated with grumpiness and bumping into things as you shuffle around in the dark, trying to pull on a half-decent outfit. Nico usually isn't the type to wake up early, more often than not opting to wake around noon, if he has the choice. But this morning, when he wakes to the gentle rays of the sun, Will is there, curled up next to him in a ball, with the light making him glow gold. He looks like a greek god, chiseled and perfect and golden. No, Nico won't be waking up early again any time soon. But at least this morning, as he stretches out his limbs and takes a sip of the lukewarm glass of water sitting on his bedside table, the morning offers him the best view in the world. 

As it turns out, Will sleeps almost as much as Nico does, and Nico is given the rare opportunity of a spare moment to just sit in his thoughts and mull. That morning, the topic at hand is how it used to be, the insecurity that followed him around wherever he went, slipping in between his kisses with Will and making him question his every move. How it almost ripped apart their relationship before it had the chance to flourish, how it had almost destroyed Nico as a whole. 

It had been such a prevalent part of his personality; it had been this inescapable thing that stuck to him like a leech. And even though pushing through it had been painful and quite frankly terrifying, the aftermath gave him everything he wanted. A stable relationship, a beautiful boyfriend, four years of romance he wouldn't trade for the world. Nico almost laughs at who he used to be, as he bathes in the warmth of the morning. He almost gave everything up. 

Will shifts in his sleep, murmuring something unintelligible. His eyelids flutter but he stays asleep, giving Nico the opportunity to memorize his face for the millionth time. Once, there hadn't been anything remarkably special about it. Yes, it was the kind of face that made heads turn in the hallway, but there wasn't really any value to it, at least not for Nico. But now there are four years of memories attached to it; freckles like the stars on the night of the canyon moon, hair the color of the sunflowers Will had given him on their first anniversary, lips sweet as the watermelon they'd eat as summer rushed towards them, laughing and dancing in the warmth. It feels as if their entire relationship had been like that; sweet and warm and perfect. Golden. Nico considers himself lucky. The luckiest boy alive. 

Will shifts again and this time, his eyes crack open and he regards Nico with a sleepy, emotionless expression. "Hey," Nico says, leaning down and kissing Will's lips softly. "Morning." 

"Morning." Will's movements seem jerky, almost robotic and when he sits up, blankets pooling around his waist, he doesn't look at Nico. There's something off, like when the flavor of something bad sticks with you for the rest of the day and holds your tastebuds hostage. Something that shouldn't be identifiable but is. "Hey, listen," Will says, rolling out of bed. The light rains over his body and Nico is once again taken by surprise how one person can be so impossibly beautiful. Will's awkward movements and lack of eye contact almost don't mean anything to him. Almost. "I know we were gonna grab breakfast this morning, but I just remembered my mom wanted me home early to help her clean. Sorry." His lips are pursed and he pulls on his shirt, brushing dust off of it. 

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