Summer by the Sea

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Will's POV

He had grown used to the small community of the seaside summer community. He watched the same people drift in and out of their summer homes as the season came and went without a single change to the names. He could recognize each and every face, recall the name of every person swimming in the clear blue water or striding down the sun-kissed street. When a new face appeared, a shockingly beautiful face that was completely unrecognizable, he was speechless. For years there hadn't been a single addition to the community but when the car pulled up he climbed out, dragging a suitcase behind him as he stepped past the window and into the house next door. 

Will rushed to the doorway, shielding his eyes from the piercing glare of the sun as he watched the boy cross the street, pushing his shaggy black hair back to stare at his surroundings, the woods on one side and the sea by the other. He must have been hot in his black tee shirt and jeans but he didn't seem uncomfortable and Will watched him walk up to the house next to Will's with fascination, staring as he knocked on the door. It creaked open and Mrs. Wilson stepped outside, throwing her arms around the boy as she ushered him inside. 

Will didn't break his gaze even after the boy was long out of sight, the door shut tightly behind him. When it was clear that he wasn't coming back he darted away from the doorway, scrambling to find Kayla at her favorite spot overlooking the sea. She was etching out a poem on the pages of a worn notebook, a faraway look on her face as she stared at the sea crashing into the rocks. "Did you see?" he asked, his eyes wide. 

"See what?"

"The boy!" Will exclaimed. "There's someone new here, I've never seen him in my life."

"So?" Kayla frowned up at him, her face condescending as she gave him her familiar judgmental gaze. "It's not a big deal, I don't know why you're freaking out about this."

"I'm not freaking out about this," Will insisted. "It's just interesting, you know? There's never anyone new, I want to know who he is."

"Well, I don't,"  Kayla muttered. "I'm looking forward to a relaxing summer, and your crazy talk isn't going to stop me from doing that. Go bug Austin or something."

"Fine," Will said, turning on his heel. "I will."

He found Austin at the tv, fingers twiddling the controller as he flipped through Netflix shows with a coke sitting next to him. "Hey, Austin, did you see the new boy yet?" 

"I haven't been outside since we got here," Austin grunted, squinting at a description of a show. With a sigh he clicked off, continuing to browse. "Why?"

"Do you really not care?" Will groaned, flopping down on the chair next to Austin. He sunk into the cushiony surface as he rubbed his face with his hands. "No one cares about the new boy."

"Why should we?"

"There hasn't been anyone new here in, like, a decade," Will said. "You must be at least somewhat interested."

"Nope. Sorry."

"You're no help either," Will groaned, pushing himself up. "Am I going to have to find out about him on my own?"

"Sorry." With a last eye roll Will stalked off to his room, collapsing onto his bed and letting the fan blow strands of hair into a frenzy. In contrast to the sweltering ninety degree temperatures he knew he would be facing all summer the room was a cool fifty, the whirr of the fan lulling him into a state of drowsiness. But every time he shut his eyes the boy popped back into his mind, his heavy eyes and half smile that tugged at the corners of Will's heart. Something about him made Will unable to forget him, like a beautiful painting or the most enticing song in the world. There was something about him that sparked a sense of curiosity in Will, and it was driving him crazy not knowing who he was. 

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