Doctors are your Friend

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So this is a request from  . I know I already did a three days in the infirmary fic, but this is sort of an extra scene. Also for further reference, they aren't dating yet.

Will's POV

I had been busy all day, whether with a camper who had been cursed by a child of Hecate or yet another half brave half stupid person who had almost been killed by the monsters in the forest but as the day came to a close I could finally focus on the one project I had been waiting all day for. That project's name was Nico Di Angelo. I found him sleeping on a bed in the back room of the infirmary, the one that we reserved for patients who would need a longer stay. He was using a black sweatshirt as a pillow, and was clutching at his stygian iron sword as if fearful, even in sleep, that he would be attacked. I crouched down next to the bed so that we would be at eye level with each other once he woke up.

"Nico," I whispered. "You have to wake up." Nico's eyes flew open and they darted anxiously around the room for a second before coming to rest on me. 

"Why do I have to wake up?" he croaked, rubbing his eyes. "I was asleep." 

"I know, but I have to take a look at those wounds now," I murmured gently, sliding on a pair of rubber gloves. Immediately, Nico's hand flew to the bottom of his shirt, holding it tightly to his pale body. 

"Do we have to do it now?" he whined. He usually put up a brave front for most people, but I could sense a small tremor of fear in his voice. 

"This is all I have left to do," I reminded him. "Once I patch you up you're free to go, and you never have to see me again." 

"Then I'll stay here for the rest of my life," Nico said. "You're pretty good company." I felt my face flush at his words, but I pushed my feelings to the back of my mind. Emotions and responsibilities didn't exactly go hand and hand.

"Nico, please," I begged. "Your injuries aren't serious and I could have you out of here by tomorrow morning." I rested a comforting hand on Nico's bicep and he immediately yanked his arm back, clutching it tightly to his chest. His chocolate brown eyes were wide with fear like he was a deer caught in the headlights and he was panting as if he had just run a marathon. "Nico?" I gasped. "What's wrong? Did I do something?" 

I knew quite a bit about most of my patients. There were only about a hundred campers, so we got to know one another pretty well. I knew what made them more comfortable, and I knew what not to do, so that their Will Solace infirmary visit could be as pleasant as possible but with Nico, that was next to impossible. Nico was an enigma to most people including, unfortunately, me. The fact that he was almost always alone paired with the fact that he was not an open person made for a very difficult time getting him to be happy. I had done well so far, giving him things that most patients liked but evidently, I had done something wrong. 

"I don't- I- I don't like, well, being touched," he whispered, almost inaudibly. He glanced away from me, almost ashamed of his preferences. I felt shame rise in my mind. I had no idea, but I should have asked before and with Nico not wanting me to look at his injuries, I could have definitely assumed. 

"Nico, it's fine," I told him. "Plenty of people don't like being touched and if you're willing to cooperate, we can get through this with as little physical contact as possible. Okay?" Nico nodded, and I felt my shoulders relax. "Alright, then can you lift up your shirt?" Nico lifted his shirt and I could see that the injuries on his stomach were much better than I had expected. 

"These look like they're going to be fine," I sighed. "I just might need to put some ointment on them so they don't get infected or anything." 

"Is that really it?" Nico asked, shocked. "That was way easier than I thought it would be." 

"See what I told you?" I grinned. "Doctors are your friends." Nico groaned at my cheesy joke. 

"You sound like you should be a receptionist in a pediatrician's office,' he laughed. 

"Well, this receptionist will be right back with your ointment," I smirked, wiggling my eyebrows at him before walking into the main portion of the infirmary and finding a small bottle of ointment in the cupboards. I brought it back over to Nico and handed the bottle to him. 

"Can you rub this on all of your cuts?" I asked him. "This'll block out infection and make sure they heal quicker. the only downside is that the cuts might sting a little." Nico took the bottle from my hand and squeezed a large glob onto his stomach, wincing as the glue like substance covered his cuts. 

"You'll just have to stay here overnight so I can make sure nothing goes wrong," I informed him.

"What might go wrong?" he asked. 

"Oh, nothing. One time someone did grow an extra head, but I was able to surgically remove it." 

"Will!" Nico protested. "I'm being serious!" 

"A few times the stinging intensified overnight, and we had to give them some pain meds to help them get over it," I told him. "But you'll be fine." Walking over to the light switch, I flicked it off, bathing the room in black. I could barely see Nico's face. 

"Goodnight, Nico," I said before turning to go back to my cabin. I had just made it out the door when I heard Nico call my name. 

"Will! Wait!" I turned back to him. 

"What? Did you start growing that extra head already?" 

"No, it's just that the stinging is kind of uncomfortable, and I was wondering if you would mind staying with me." I felt my heart melt. 

"Of course not." I started to sit down in a chair, but Nico stopped me. 

"You could share my bed, if you wanted. That chair doesn't look very comfortable." MY cheeks started to heat up, and I hoped Nico couldn't see the color in the darkness of the room. I slipped underneath the covers with him, glad for his warm body pressing up against mine. I guess that now my work was done, my feelings could come out of the closet and into the sunshine where they belong.

i hope you guys liked that one! 


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