Forever Yours

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Request for BWhite_280 , so I hope you like it!
TRIGGER WARNING: Fairly descriptive car crash, so just be warned. I'm not sure what your triggers are, so just to be safe I'm putting this in.

Nico's POV

"This isn't going to work."

"Nico, come on, you're overreacting." Hazel crosses her arms over her chest, arching her eyebrow and giving him the stink eye she's been giving him as he sets up the apartment, whining and complaining throughout the entirety of the process. "The apartment looks beautiful, Will loves you, he's going to say yes. And a few months later you'll get married and live happily ever after." Nico frowns, his eyes sweeping over the apartment. There are rose petals scattered over every surface, covering the apartment in a thin sheen of light pink. The candles burning on every surface send the faint scent of a rose into the room, and the shadow of the flickering flame is cast onto the wall, bigger than life. It's simple, he knows, even though it'll take hours to clean up, but it looks nice, at least.

"You think so?"

"Yes, idiot, stop freaking out, he'll be here soon. Then we'll all pop out of the kitchen, and we'll go to dinner. It'll be perfect, I promise." She wraps him in a tight hug and he squeezes back, his heart skipping a beat in his chest. His clothes feel like they're burning his skin as if they've just come out of the oven and there will be welts on his arms and legs and stomach when he takes them off but he hears footsteps in the hallway outside of the door and his heart stops. He doesn't have time to think about anything but Will. "Shit. Okay, I'll see you once you're engaged, okay?" Hazel gives him one last quick hug before darting into the kitchen, and even though she's disappeared around the corner he can still hear her whispers.

As the footsteps draw closer he slowly picks up the single rose laying on the table next to him, the simple silver band looped around the stem, stopped by a thorn. Its petals are bright red; brighter than the pale pink petals around the rest of the room. Like those petals times a thousand.

He grips the stem hard when he hears the key in the lock, the thorns digging into his skin, but he doesn't feel the pain, only the dull sensation of something slicing into him. He's sure he's white as a ghost when Will steps into the room, and a look of benign happiness turns into complete shock as his eyes travel across the room, pausing to watch the candles flicker, the rose petals shift lightly in the breeze wafting in from the ajar window. He should have closed it, he thinks to himself as he watches a petal drift to the floor, but there's no time for that now. "Nico, what-"

Nico is shaking when he gets down on one knee, holding up the rose with the ring on the stem. Will's sentence hangs in the air and for a second Nico is too nervous to fill the silence so he lets the sound waves of Will's words drift out the window before he clears his throat, giving Will a smile that must look more like a grimace. There's a speech planned in his head that he's been rehearsing for the past month but at that moment, with Will's blue eyes shining down onto him, his mind is a blank sheet of paper, and he stutters trying to come up with the first sentence. "Will," he says, fighting for the words. "Will, Will, uh-"



"That's what you're doing, right?" Will asks, the ghost of a smile on his lips. "Because if you're not proposing I feel really stupid right now." Nico feels as if he's been hit by a truck, like he's frozen in his spot, still unable to make a sound. He's scared his voice won't come out, that he'll push and push and he won't be able to say anything, won't be able to tell Will how much he loves him but when Will is sweeping him up, their lips smashing together, words don't matter. Will is the first one to cry and the tears mingle with Nico's as their faces press together, Nico's arms looped around Will's waist, Will's lips still on his. Nico is shaking as he takes the rose, shaking off the silver band and slipping it onto Will's finger. It looks so right there and for a second he can't talk and he stays in Will's arms until he hears screaming and their friends leap out from behind the corner, their faces alight. "It's a real party, huh?" Will says, wiping a tear from his cheek and giving their friends a watery smile. "Hey, guys."

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