Summer Love

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Ok I'm sorry if I've done something like this before because there's a good chance I have, but enjoy!!

Nico's POV

Nico hates to admit it, but the counselor of cabin 7 is, admittedly, cute. He has that whole summery look going on, with a freckle-splashed face and golden blond hair that shines in the sun. He always wears a smile, even when the sky had opened up on top of them and he had to usher six ten-year-old boys back into their cabin. He's tall, and whenever he goes swimming, Nico can always see the muscles on his back rippling, like a modern-day Hercules with a blinding smile. And even though Nico, jaded by his last rejection, had promised himself to never get another petty crush, he finds himself falling fast. 

"Why do you keep looking over there?" Mason asks. 

"What?" Nico says, startling and sitting up. Mason blinks up at him with big blue eyes, the sunburn on his face making him look like he's blushing. Nico wishes he could blame the blush he's probably wearing on a sunburn. 

"You keep looking at Cabin 7's table," Mason says. "I thought you said we couldn't make friends with the kids from Cabin 7 because you wanted to beat them in the Cabin Tournaments." 

"Mason, buddy, that was a joke," Nico says. "You can make friends with anyone you want." He does want to win the Cabin Tournaments, though. A camp-wide competition between the thirteen cabins, lasting for the four weeks of camp. Each stupid little competition, each swim race won and dinner table cleaned the fastest would earn them points. And two weeks into the four week camp period and Cabin 7 is beating everyone by a hefty amount. Which is only because stupid Will Solace can win every counselor swim race he does, and turns dinner-time cleanup into a game for his campers, and has the voice of an angel at the campfires every night. But they'll pull ahead. Eventually. 

"So it's okay that I swim with Jackson tomorrow?" 

"Yeah, Mason, my job is literally to make sure you have fun," Nico says, shoveling a scoop of Brownie Surprise into his mouth. He isn't sure what the surprise is, and he isn't sure if he trusts the cooks, but it tastes good, so he really doesn't mind. Mason frowns at him before waving to Jackson, sitting at the end of table 7. Maybe his love-hate non-relationship with Will is more toxic than he had thought. 

"Cool," Mason says. He crams the last of his Brownie Surprise into his mouth, brownie and ice cream dripping down his chin. Nico sighs, turning back to his own disgusting bowl and stirring it like soup. It's melting in the boiling summer heat, and he pushes it away from him without finishing. Instead, he opts to watch Will at table 7, melting into his bright blue eyes and his shining smile. 


At that night's campfire, Cabin 7 sings a song. One of the boys knows guitar and even though it isn't quite tuned right, they still don't sound half bad. As the rest of the camp claps along to the song, Nico sidles up to Will. "Did you teach them how to do that?" Nico asks. 

"Yeah," Will said. "Helped them write the song and everything. And Andrew already had a base in guitar, so I just had to teach him the chord progression. They don't sound that bad, do they?" 

"They sound better than I was expecting," Nico says. "And I'll be honest; I wasn't expecting much from a group of pre-teen boys." 

"Oh, you're just jealous," Will says. "Cause my cabin's got a pretty tight hold on first place in the cabin competition." 

"Not for long," Nico says. "I mean, my cabin is pretty great. See Mason over there? Practically a genius. He can do anything." He points to Mason, who tries to balance half a s'more on his arm as his steaming marshmallow slips down his stick. "Well, almost anything." Will laughs; even his laugh is summery, reminding Nico of watching movies on steaming summer days with Hazel, and reading his favorite books on the hammock eating watermelon until his stomach couldn't hold any more. Nico feels another spear stab his heart, and he falls for Will a little harder. 

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