Longing or Lust(p2)

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Once again, mentions of sexual stuff, nothing graphic since the story skips over it, but just be warned!

Will's POV

The street outside is scorching and immediately he regrets stepping out of his car. The soles of his sneakers are melting off, and a bead of sweat drips down his cheek like a tear. But there's coffee inside of the building, and the best chocolate chip cookies he's ever had. He can bear a few minutes of excruciating heat for one of the best chocolate chip cookies he's ever had. 

It's busy inside like it always is and the seats are full, ten different conversations happening above his head, mingling together with the sound of the coffee brewing and the crunching of pastries to create the haze of sounds he always hears when he steps inside, everything mixed together so thoroughly that he doesn't think he could pinpoint where a single sound is coming from. He wishes that it wasn't so busy, though; it would have been nice to sit in the air-conditioned coffee shop for a couple of minutes, sipping on his coffee and eating the best chocolate chip cookie he's ever had. But when he does a sweep of the store he spots someone he recognizes, sipping on a small iced coffee and flipping through a book and suddenly, he has a place to sit. 

He gets the coffee and the cookie and takes a seat next to Nico, earning a tight smile. "Hey," Will says, taking a bite of his cookie. "Why are you reading in the summer?" 

"It's summer homework."


Nico rolls his eyes, setting his book down on the table. "What do you want?" 

"You want me to get you a cookie or something? They're the best I've ever had." 

"That's not what you're here for."

"I'm here because I wanted iced coffee and the best cookie I've ever had."

"I meant why are you at my table, Will?"

"I want to buy you a cookie."

"Bye, Will." He rolls his eyes, picking up the book again. It's something about farming, and it has a grain of wheat on the cover. It looks boring and he puts his hand on top of the book, earning a glare from Nico. "I said bye, Will."

"Ok, hold on." He takes a bite of his cookie, chewing slowly as he tries to find words that will express his emotions, words that will convince Nico to put the book down and look him in the eyes, words that will convince Nico to scoot closer, to put his hand on Will's knee as he wants so badly. Really, he just wants Nico to come out to his car with him, but he's sure he can figure out something to say. 


"I'm horny." Not as poetic as he would have liked, but his cheeks still flush light pink, so he knows he's achieved the same thing. "I'll buy you a cookie if you come to my car with me."

"That's prostitution. Prostitution for a cookie."

"Well, they're pretty good." Nico scratches his neck, glancing down at the floor and swallowing hard. He hesitates and for a few seconds, Will is afraid that he's going to say no. But he heaves a sigh, standing up and tossing his book back into his bag. He drains the rest of his coffee, the empty cup swinging in his hands. There's some still left, just a drop and a half rolling around at the plastic bottom, filling the groove around the edge.

"Do you have a condom?"

"I'm responsible. I should have one somewhere in my car."

"I fucking hate you." He says that but he stands up, slinging his bag over his shoulder and tossing his cup in the trashcan. He folds his arms over his chest, watching with one eyebrow cocked as Will crams the last of his cookie into his mouth, chewing with crumbs spilling out of his mouth. 

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