Book One Fire

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Chapter Seven: Red Lightning

A Week Has Passed And I Was Starting To Feel A Little Worried About The Invasion Plan. What If I Fail. The Good Thing Is I Learned Some New Fire Bending Technics I Was Getting Better And Better Everyday...

Aaron's Bed Room
(Zulin) You Wanna Go Swimming In The Palace Swim Room? It's amazing Your Gonna love It. (Aaron) No I can't I got training today. Has my dad taught you how to create lightning yet? (Aaron) No he hasn't but I am sure he will soon. Aaron gets excited for a moment (Aaron) I got a idea how about you come with me to training today. That way I will have my BestFriend with me and you can help me with lightning. (Zulin) Yea but how do you know if my dad's going to teach you lightning today or not. (Aaron) I don't but we can always ask.

Zulin and I Were About To Begin Our Training When...

(Aaron) Excuse me master Azumon is it ok if Zulin trains with me today. (Azumon) I don't see any problem with that. (Zulin) Hey dad can you produce A lightning bolt (Aaron) Please, Please (Azumon) Well I guess watch my form. It wasn't my intended lesson for today but let's do some lightning. We will begin our session in the garden, please follow me.

(Azumon) Lightning is a dangerous element some people call it the cold blooded fire. If you wish to master lightning you must first deal with a turmoil. Let me ask you something what burdens you so. (Aaron) Well I haven't told anyone this but I feel like it's my fought the Southern Water Tribe got taken. I could have done something I could have stopped it. Avatar Korra wouldn't have let that happen no Avatar would have stood for that. (Azumon) You have to deal with the fact that your not Korra you are Aaron. You must be proud of yourself and believe that you will succeed let it go. I took a deep breath and let it go Azumon Takes A Fire Bending Stance And Shoots A Powerful Lightning Bolt Out Of His Finger Tips (Aaron) Woah that's awesome. (Zulin) Nice one dad!!(Azumon) Now do what I did Aaron. Take a deep breath first. Aaron Takes A Deep Breath And A Fire Bending Stance And Shoots Lightning. (Azumon) Very good Aaron. (Aaron) I did it, I did it. (Zulin) You know Aaron I can produce a Red Bolt. (Aaron) What's a Red Bolt? (Azumon) A RedBolt is a powerful lightning blast, The First Fire Benders were experts at it. The Last Person In History That Was Able To Produce A Red Bolt Was Avatar Roku, Now Zulin is one of them. (Azumon) I want you to take a stance breath in and out at a slow peace then shoot a bolt. You have to remember you can't control lightning like you can fire your simply its humble guide. Azumon shoots a ridiculous powerful both of lightning causing a sound of thunder in the skies. Now this is very dangerous it crucial if you mess up it may cause injury do you think your ready. (Aaron) I'm ready. Aaron moves his hands back in fourth rapidly and shoots a Red Lightning bolt In The Sky's The Sky Turned Red From That Powerful Blast. (Azumon) Aaron WOW You can produce Red Bolt Too
That's amazing you two are living  relic's (Aaron) What's so great about red bolts. (Azumon) There extremely powerful more powerful then a ordinary lightning bolt and there very rare, like I said the only people that could produce one were master Fire Benders. Zulin) Ha Ha.smiles were so bad ass!! (Azumon) It's also amazing because You too are just kids. But then again Aaron you are the Avatar And Zulin You Are The Fire Prince so it's not so surprising.

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