Book Two Air

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           Chapter Two: Spirit Swamp

The Next Day We All Woke Up From Our Peaceful Sleeps Zulin And I Switched Shifts In The Middle Of The Night. So When The Rest Of Us Woke Up He Was Still Navigating The Jet....

(Zulin) Well good morning sleepy heads. Hey Aaron how about you releave me of my duty so I can relax , aye buddy. (Aaron) Sure Zulin.

As We Were Flying Through The Sky We Were Passing Through Some Type Of Swamp. But There Was Something Different About This Forest, I Felt It Calling To Me.

(Kai Jr) Hey Aaron Why Are We Going Down? (Aaron) I'm sorry guys I zoned out. I thought I heard the forest calling me. (Kylee) That's impossible swamps can't talk. (Zulin) That's not entirely  true one time I was cutting a patato and I could have sworn it was talking to me saying please don't kill me, please don't kill me. I sliced it any way. (Alein) Seriously Zulin could you get any stupider. (Zulin sticks his tongue out at Alein, Alein does it back) (Kylee) Bottom line is we got to get out of here. (Aaron) Ok I guess so.... By swamp

Suddenly A Huge Wind Blew The Jet Deep Inside The Forest. We Crashed Landed, The Jet Took Some Damage.

(Aaron) Everybody Ok! (Zulin) Oh Great ! Great! Now we're gonna die. Everybody stepped out of the jet. (Zulin) I'm too young and beautiful to die. There's so Much I didn't get to do like, reading books to old people, screaming at Groundsquirrels, eating Exzotic Jam. (Alein) There's something really wrong with you. (Aaron) ok guys don't panic we can still get out of here. (Zulin) We can't leave the engine is damaged. (Aaron) It's Not Dammaged it just needs more fuel, which is odd because we were just flying we shouldn't have ran out of fuel. I'll radio in some help. (Kai Jr) If you ask me I feel like something pushed us down here. (Alein) No because that would be weird I like Aaron's explanation. (Aaron) Good news guys A United Nations Air Jet is own its Way to deliver the fuel along with a engineer to fix the jet. They said they will be here in six hours. (Kylee) How do they know where we are? (Aaron) They hace a tracking device inside the jet. Meanwhile lets set up camp were gonna be here for a while. (Zulin) I don't like this place, I'm freaking out you guys. (Alein) Zulin you are the most bravest person I ever met. (Kylee) Ha! Sarcasm (Aaron) Guys enough we have to look out for each other this place is unknown to use and it could be very dangerous so keep your eyes open.

Time Passed And Everyone Fell A Sleep Including My Self. But Little Did I Know This Was No Ordinary Swamp.

A vine grabs hold of everyone's legs and pulls them in different directions.
They quickly fought out of them but they were separated from each other.

(Aaron) Guys can you hear me!!!! Zulin, Kylee where are you!! Oh know I have to find them.

(Zulin) Daddy help me!!!! Aaron!!!

(Alein) well this is just great trapped in a creepy swamp.

(Kylee) I have to find the others.

(Kai Jr) Keep calm Kai it's just a swamp, your a Airbender. Hey mabey I could glide over the swamp and I could fine the others.

During Our Separation Each Of Us Saw A Spirit. It Was Truly Extrodinary.

(Zulin) see's something glowing in the distance it look like fire lord Zuko, Zulin follows it. Wait hold up stop I just wanna talk to you. Is That Zuko. He comes close to it, the glow vanishes and turns into a bird. (Zulin) Ok I have officially lost my mind.

A spirit appears before Alein and Says, Silence Is't Empty It's Full Of Answers.... (Alein) What Does that mean? Oh my gosh I have to get out of this creepy swamp!!!

Avatar Korra Apears Before Kylee and sayes.... You've Made Me So Proud Kylee Continue Fighting With The Avatar. (Kylee) Yes Grandma I will.

Kai Apears before Kai Jr and sayes... Son Listen To Me Don't Blame My Death on Yourself It's Not Your Fault. I Am At Peace And Someday You Will
be To. I Am So Proud Of You I Love You And Your Sister Deeply. Tell Your Mother I Love Her. He Vanashes, Kai Jr Begins To Cry. (Kai Jr) I miss you so much daddy.

I Was Walking Through The Swamp When I Felt A Presence Around Me. It Was The Moon Spirit, She Was Beautiful.

Young boy Turn Around. (Aaron) Who Are You Miss. I'm The Moon Spirit I Knew You Very Well In A Pass Life. Avatar Aang Saved My Tribe From The Fire Nation. Now I Am Standing Before Another Avatar, You Look Just Like Him. (Aaron) Tell me great moon spirit how do I get out of here I need to find my friends. Everything In This Swamp Is Connected It's One Big Living Organism. It's Just One Tree Spread Out Over Miles. (Aaron) So your saying the swamp will show me where my friends are. Use The Vines And All Of Your Desires Will Be Met. She vanishes.

I Used The Vines And It Lead Me Straight To All Of Them. I Gathered Them All Up And Headed back To The Camp Site. A Few Hours Passed And The United Forces Rescue Plane Came To Repaired Our Ship. We Left Promptly.

(Meanwhile At BlackNations Heqdquarters)

(Issuma Head Advisor) Sir We Have A Big Problem. (Issuma) If Your Hear To Tell Me That The Southern Water Trive Has Been Taken From Us Your Far To Late I Already Know. I Can't Work With This Kind Of Incompetence Han.
(Han Issuma Head Asvisor) I'm Sorry Sir Were Doing All We Can. (Issuma) No Need To Explain Your Mistakes Han, After All It's Not Your Fault. (Han) Oh Thank You Sir I'm Glad You Understand. (Issuma) Yeah I Understand Completely Your Services Are No Longer Required.
Issuma Kills Han

(Kale) Sir You Called For Me. (Issuma) Yes Congragulations You Are Now Head Commander As Well As My Advisor. (Kale) Forgive Me For Asking But What Happen To Han. (Issuma) He Took A Permanent Vacation. Now You Need To Start Making Plans For The Invasion Of Omashu. (Kale) It Would Be My Honor Sir. (Issuma) Good Get To It.

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