Chapter 19

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I was sitting here stuck at this house party with the boy name Chase. I couldn't believe I let him drag me out here, I was literally in the middle of the room sitting here watching him and his friends snort come up their noses.

"Unfucking believable" I mumbled. Chase mumbled something under his breath as he kept staring at me.

He offered it to me several times but I rejected of course. I needed some healing physically and mentally but not that type of healing. Chase was being really rude and disrespectful let alone he wouldn't take me home or let me leave. I kept making silence prayers that my mother would get me outta here. His friends kept staring at me and whispering stuff to each other.

"Ya girl looks a little uncomfortable" one of his friends joked.

"She'll be Ard... what She needs to do is grow up and stop acting like a bitch" Chase said.

I gave him the death stare and rolled my eyes "He's not my boyfriend... And Chase take me home now before I walk" I said standing up. I stood to my feet only for Chase to jump up in my face.

"I said you not going nowhere til I'm ready so sit ya ass down" he said pushing me back down on the dingy couch.

I had been talking to chase for some months now. I met him a while back before my mom died, he was a true friend then but now all he wanted to do was control me and force me around like i was  his little puppy. Mind you I never had sex with him and didn't plan on it, he was only a friend in my eyes. I didn't want a boyfriend at this time I needed closure on my life first before I could focus on a dude. He kept sitting there Making comments about me like I wasn't sitting there across from him. I couldn't call my dad or anybody, Then it hit me I had someone that could help me... Mishon so I shot him a text.

     Mishon:Hey it's Shi'day. I know it's been a couple days since I seen you but you told me if I ever needed you I could hit you up and right now I need you.😥😥

I sat back and prayed that he would reply to my message.


Me and lil. Travis was chilling at the kick back with these little freak bitches. Damon was in the back room with one of them and me and Travis had the other two in the front room. I wasn't feeling shawdy at all although she was ugly not by far but I just wasn't interested. My iphone started to vibrate in my pocket. I had a message from a unknown number, I read it and literally sat up to the edge of my seat. It was from Shi'day...

  Unknown :Hey it's Shi'day. I know it's been a couple days since I seen you but you told me if I ever needed you I could hit you up and right now I need you.😥

I texted her back.

        Me: Hey.. Glad you hit me What's Wrong?
She texted back : If you not business can you come get me. I'm stuck somewhere and I don't wanna be here.

Me: What's the address?

Soon as she texted me the address I was on my way leaving Travis with the shawdies.

I pulled up to the address and I swear it looked like a straight trap house. How the fuck did she wined up here?? I got out my truck and walked up to the porch and without a invitation I walked in. I looked in the first room to see her sitting her looking uncomfortable as hell while a couple niggas and two bitch sat there sniffing lines of coke of the table. When Shi'day looked up at me she looked relief. She stood to her feet and rushed over to me.

This nigga jumped up and grabbed her back "Where the fuck do you think you going shi' I told you you ain't leaving" the nigga said.

She tried to break from his grip "Chase let go of me" she said pulling her arm away.

"Bitch -" I cut him off with a straight punch to the jaw. He went flying into the table that held all the left over coke residue.

He pulled his self up and looked around as if he didn't know what hit him.

I mugged him hard "Come on Shi'day... Let's go"  I said never taking my eye of the dude chase.

"I said you ain't -" I cut him off again when he went to reach for Shi'day arm again. I quickly removed my gun from my waist line and aimed it at him.

"I don't think you wanna do that nigga" I warned.

One of his boys looked shock as shit "Nah chase back down yo... That's Mishon and that nigga bout it" he whispered.

I smiled "Listen to ya homeboy he might got more sense that you" I said putting my gun back at my waist. I grabbed Shi'day's hand and lead her outside.

I opened the passenger side door and let her in then I got in and pulled off.

After seeing where she was at I was glad she did hit me up. We rode the streets late night with no destination either way I was shocked and happy she chose me to hit up.

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