Chapter 22

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        This afternoon My Father and Mishon were meeting and I  was excited and happy but nervous at the same time This would be my father's first time actually meeting someone I was dating. Mishon knocked on the door I opened the door and let him in he looked so good with a red polo shirt on, true Religion jeans on, a pair of red and black Dope's on and a black snap back that he wore backwards. I bite down on my bottom lip and couldn't help but stare at him. I watched as he looked around and stared at all my mother's pictures.

My dad and Rapheal walked in the living room to join us, my father reached his hand out to shake Mishon's hand. "Wassup Son... Lawrence" my dad said introducing himself.

Mishon smiles and shakes dad's hand "Mishon".

"So where did y'all meet"? Dad asked as his eyes roamed between Mishon and me.

"At Mom's funeral... He knew her" I said with a smile, recapping that day. I missed my mother so much but I was grateful that day brought me and Mishon closer. No that wasn't the first day I actually met him but I couldn't mention the wild party I went to and didn't tell my dad.

Dad stood there with a puzzled face as he looked between me and Mishon again"Son what did you say ya name was again"? Dad asked raising one of his eye brows.

"Mishon" he said again. He was kind of scaring me with these questions. I didn't need for him to embarrass me in front of my boyfriend.

The minute Mishon said his name my father stepped back and gave Mishon a weird stare. We all stood in a Awkward silence, I was glad when Rapheal stepped up and dapped Mishon up and introduced himself. That was weird of my dad tho like why did he stare at Mishon like that I just hoped he was ready to scare Mishon away being tho this was my first real boyfriend. Dad had cooked dinner, we ate and laughed about old times. It was perfect Everything was going good my dad and Raphael seem to getting along with Mishon real well. We talked for hours until it started to get late and Mishon said he wanted to take me some where so dapped Raphael up and my dad Walked us to the door. As we got to the door I realized I didn't have my cellphone and my coat so I told them I would be right back and walked away.

          Lawrence " L "

Soon as Shi'day walked away I focused my attention back Mishon. I knew he looked familiar when we first locked eyes. I remembered him from the funeral and I also remembered him from when he was younger, it has been a while since I seen him around. He had his mother's eyes I didn't really remember his dad all I knew was Paula was good friends with him before he was murdered. Mishon felt me staring at him, he finally looked over at me with a ark ward expression as if he already knew what I was gonna say.

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