Chapter 30

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Author's Pov

      Damon and lil. Travis sat on the couch in the kickback playing the video game. Of course lil. Travis was beating the shit outta Damon but that didn't stop him from still trying. O walked in and plopped down on the empty couch getting comfortable.

"I just saw ya boy last night" O said causing lil. Travis and Damon to look at him funny.

"Who"? Damon asked.

"Mishon"? Lil. Travis asked as he paused the game.

O laid back on the couch and kicked his feet up "Yeah him... He was all hugged up with shawdy".

"The same bitch we told him to stay away from"? Damon asked twisting his face up.

O nodded his head, it excited him to see his son mad and using such foul language towards Shi'day.

"What the fuck is so special about this girl that got my man tripping"? Damon asked shaking his head in disbelief. They never seen Mishon so into someone before this was a first.

"Maybe because she's the enemy's daughter" O said smiling evily.

"We need to talk to him man... He's slipping big time" lil. Travis said. " I mean it's nothing wrong with the girl she's a little baddie and all but he knows dealing with her he's in for some deep shit" lil. Travis added.

"He's not gonna stay away from her... So I want y'all to stay away from him" Orlando ordered.

That made Damon and lil. Travis sit up on the edge of there seats.

"What"! Lil. Travis said with some base in his voice.

"Yeah pops that's impossible... He's our leader we can't ditch our boy like that" Damon said.

"Plus Benny won't let that shit happen anyway" lil. Travis said.

Orlando sat up halfway when he heard that name " Who"?

"Benny... He's over top us... He's the one who put us on" Damon said.

"What ever happened to the nigga I told you to holla at when you  and Mishon came to visit me" O asked reminiscing on the first time Mishon and Damon visited him in jail saying they needed to be put on.

"Dad we meet Benny before we even got a chance to holla at dude. Then Benny shot us a better opportunity that we couldn't pass up" Damon explained.

Lil. Travis nodded his head agreeing. He knew everything Damon was saying was true.

O squinched his eyes at them "What this nigga look like"? O asked trying to see if it was the same Benny him and his crew use to run with back in the day.

"He a older brown skin, short dude with a birth Mark on the side of his face" Damon said.

That right there confirm to O who Benny really was, Benny was the same dude he use to work for with L and Big Travis. He always Envied Benny because he wanted his spot he felt like Benny was getting rich off them and only giving  them a small portion, but nobody else felt like that. O was greedy he wanted more already had been that way but in every one else eyes Benny took care of Niggas... They all ate even down to lil. Travis, damon and Mishon.

O rubbed his hand over his chin "Well fuck Benny and Mishon y'all going in business with me now".

Lil. Travis and Damon sat shocked and confused as they both stared at each other.

"Don't worry about Benny... Fuck him he doesn't need y'all him and Mishon will do just fine together " O said as he chuckled with this shady look on his face like he was up to Something.


"So how is things with the boys"? L asked his uncle Benny as they stepped out the corner store and stopped.

Benny nodded "It's cool I spoke to Mishon earlier Everything good".

L Chuckled "You know what's weird"?

Benny stared at l waiting for him to spill the tea. "Mishon and Shi'day got this little thang going on" l stated as a chuckle excaped his mouth.

Benny raised both eyes brows somewhat shocked "Forreal"?

"Yeah forreal... And I told him I'm cool with it she's a adult she's gonna do and see what she wants and I will step in if he does some dumb shit by involving my daughter" L stated.

"Trust ya uncle when I tell you... Mishon is a good kid she's in good hands" Benny said. He been working with Mishon for years and not once did he slip up.

L nodded his head "That's what I like to hear... He's cool but at the end of the day that's my daughter and I don't want her mixed up in this shit".

"Respect nephew... All respect" Benny said agreeing with L all the way.


    O was cruising through the neighborhood with nothing to do he just rode around smoking blunt after blunt with no destination in mind. While riding he happened to spot L and a nigga over by the store talking so he pulled the car over and watched as the two men shared words and laughs. He had a plan and his plan was to steal, kill and destroy and nothing was gonna get in the way of him doing that.

Benny walked inside his two bedroom condo and into the kitchen to warm up some leftover Chinese food he had from last night. Benny had a nice quiet home no wife no kids due to the fact his late wife couldn't have kids so it was just him. His wife left him years ago but passed away a few years back from breast cancer. Sometimes he missed her and wished she was still with him but before she died she made it very clear she wanted no parts of him anymore. He removed his container from the microwave as the hot food steamed and was bout to go in the living room to watch but was taking back when he saw O come up on the side of him with gloves on and a gun in his hand.

"Long time no see Benny" O said rubbing his chin as he gave Benny a evil stare.

Benny looked him up and down with no fear inside of him as he sat his food down on the counter "What's this about"?

"Come on Ben you know... You and ya nephew owe me" O said. Truth be told they didn't owe him shit but in his mind he felt like they did. He felt like he wasted years in jail when there something they could have done to get him out but honestly it wasn't. O was sentenced and that was that nothing could have been done even if they wanted to.

"We don't owe you O and you know that... You did the dirt you had to take the fall" Benny said trying to refresh his memory.

"I needed y'all and nobody was there... And you know what's funny"? He said Chuckling. "All these years I knew y'all not once did anybody mention that you was his uncle" O said grilling Benny hard.

"Who robbed me Benny... Who took my stash"? O asked rubbing his chin again.

"What"? Benny asked squinching his eyes at him confused. This was his first time ever hearing about someone taking O off he didn't know if he was plain crazy or if he was telling the truth.

"Come on Benny don't lie to me"?

"I don't know what your talking about O you talking stupid" Benny informed him.

"See... I don't like liars Ben" O said.

Benny looked down at the gun before looking back up at O as he stood there speechless. What was it for him to do he wasn't strapped because he took it out his pants and sat it on the stand when he first walked in so there wasn't much to do but stared down the barrel of O's gun.

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