Chapter 33

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         Lil. Travis was down at the basketball court by himself shooting some hoops. He shot the ball in the hoop before turning around to see Mishon walking up to him. "Sup yo" Mishon said as they slapped hands following a brotherly hug.  "Ain't shit, trying to hold my head" Lil. Travis said.

"Shit hard since Benny got killed, a nigga did him dirty" he said as he bounced the ball up and down.  "I better not find out who did it that's all I'm saying" Mishon said as she stole the ball from Lil. Travis and shot it.

They played a few games of one on one just to catch up and kill time. After the fourth game, they both were tired and decided to go chill on the bench. "You you talked to O lately"? Ronny asked Mishon as he took a towel and wiped the sweat from off his face and neck. Mishon shook his head no as he look straight ahead, to be honest, he tried to keep his distance from O for the time being.
" Something ain't right with dude, I mean to be for real we fucked up by still fucking with him after what he did to Paula" Lil. Travis said shaking his head.  Mishon stood up fast "I don't wanna talk about that yo" he said.

"Mane we gotta talk about it... We can't keep acting like that night never happened, like it didn't change our lives forever cause it changed mines and I know it changed your too" Lil. Travis said before taking a deep breath " We should have done something, we let it happened and even after he killed her we walked around like nothing ever happened. We gave this nigga power to control us, He took that woman's life away from her husband and her kids, and ya girl she don't even know the half yo" he added.

"Nigga how do think I feel, you think I'm happy no..  Why do you think I stayed away from him. But every time I turn around he's right there. We can't get a break from his ass. And to be honest I think he did Benny in" Mishon said.

Lil. Travis looked up at Mishon "That's crazy... I was thinking the same shit. And then the other day some crazy shit left his mouth".  Mishon gave him that look as to say nigga talk. " He told me and Damon to stay away from you" Lil. Travis admitted.  "I looked at that nigga as if he had lost his rabbit ass mine, I told his ass no and then I dipped and told him he was tripping" he added.

Mishon nodded his head and put his hand on his chin as if he was thinking "Mane fuck him" he said as he shook hands with Lil. Travis. O couldn't never come between them, as close as they had been he could never fuck up a brother ship.

What they didn't know was O was parked not to far away watching their every move. If looks could kill both them would have been dead on site. I was furious that Lil. Travis didn't take him serious but in his mind he had something for all that. O sat in the driver seat with his partners in crime  Selena and Eric.

Back in the day O started running with Eric and Selena behind L and Travis back. O was being a sneaky muthafucka fucking with them because L and Travis didn't fuck with Selena and Eric due to them being part of the White Boy connect that they didn't fuck with, the same white boy connect that L and Travis met up with that day with O that caused Travis his life. But back then it didn't matter to O, he felt like he was being crossed by L and Travis with Benny so the white boy connect was who he started secretly working with. Selena and Eric were definitely the opposite of the white boys they ran with, the white boys Jake and his boys were professional drug lords and killers while Eric and Selena were Ghetto and as Grimy as they came. That's why the white boys needed them, with them they felt protected in the hood, they felt safe just like they were one of them.

As he sat in the car and watched with the angriest face. "I thought you told him to stay away from him" Selena asked sitting in the passenger seat.

"Yeah what's the deal"? Eric asked sitting in the back seat, smoking a joint.  "Seems like he saying fuck me" O said. He sat quiet and observing, he wasn't liking what he seen. He gave orders and Lil. Travis didn't listen.

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