Chapter 27

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         A Few Days Later:

      Mishon and Shi'day were stuck to each other like glue, they were definitely inseparable. Today they decided to spend some time at Tasha house she was cooking dinner again so she couldn't get rid of them even if she wanted to. Besides Lawrence Shi'day found another best cook in the works she loved Tasha's home cooked food. They were hugged up on the porch getting some fresh air while waiting for Tasha to come back and finish cooking dinner and dessert.

Mishon kissed at her soft face while they held on to each other. He looked down at her and smirked "You tired of me yet"? He asked staring at her.

She giggled "No silly I will never get tired of you" she said poking her lips out for him to kiss as she held on to his waist tight.

"How can you be so sure"? He asked staring at her again.

"Cause I know these things baby" she said.

His thoughts were immediately interrupted when he seen three faces he hadn't seen in days let alone three faces he didn't wanna see at this time. She noticed his sudden mode Changed but before she could say something she heard a voice speak behind her.

"Wassup Mishon"? Damon said as him, lil. Travis and I walked up toward the porch.

Shi'day let go off Mishon's waist and turned to face the three strangers.

"You been M.I.A to da game what's up with you"? Lil. Travis asked.

O wasn't saying much he just kept giving Shi'day a weird look I don't know if she could see it but I could and that shit was making me mad.

"What's ya name miss. lovely"? I asked her.

"Shi'day" She said smiling as she was about to stepped down off the porch to shake his hand, but I stopped her real quick.

"Go in the house shi' " I said in a demanding voice but not to rude. She turnt around and gave me a clueless look.

"What's wrong"? She asked.

"Yeah what's wrong Mishon I can't speak to Shi'day"? O asked being funny. After what he did to Paula I could never respect him like I use to. In my eyes he was just some random nigga to me.

"Shi go in the house and wait for me like I said" I said in a more demanded voice and my eyes locked on O. This time with there were no games played I didn't want her around them.

"What's wrong Mishon"? She whispered to me.
She walked back up on the porch and walked in the house without even looking at me, I knew she was mad.

"We gonna talk Ard" Mishon whispered back to her, she walked in the house but gave one last glance at O. The whole time he kept giving her weird looks and she couldn't understand why.

Mishon looked back to make sure she was outta site before Mishon looked back at O with an evil look he knew O was the one who put lil. Travis and Damon up to coming here.

"What y'all doing here"? Mishon asked in a low voice, trying to keep his cool.

"I said it before you sent the pretty lady in the house" O said cracking a smile.

"Leave her outta it... Thank you" Mishon warned.

O threw his hands up in surrender as he chuckled and stood back, he knew Mishon wasn't the one to game with. In his eyes he seen a killer, a real hustler by all means in Mishon something he didn't see in his father. But what Mishon didn't know was O knew his father before he died.

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