Chapter 19: Can't Keep a Promise

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Chapter nineteen~

Logan's POV


When I woke up my side was on fire. An accurate description would be that it felt as if molten lava was flowing between my ribs, burning my insides out. My head was numb with an unfathomable pain and it felt as though someone had taken the butt of a gun and pummeled it into my face a half a dozen times. Oh wait.

Someone did.

My left eye was sealed shut and it caused a throbbing headache from the intense swelling.

I winced and slowly lifted my arm up to wipe the semi-dried up blood off of my mouth and nose. I needed a lot more than a shirt sleeve to wipe up the mess on my face.


My heart seemed to stop working as the realization dawned on me. They got her. They took her. We had taken almost every precaution and they still managed to find us.

I wanted to scream—wanted to throw the dresser next to me across the room. I looked up at the ceiling and felt a hot tear slide down from the corner of my eye which then fell to the floor. Who knew what inhumane tests they were doing to her. I was supposed to protect her, prevent something like this from happening. That was orignially why I was put on this mission. Instead I get beaten up by some punk. He’s a dead man walking. Just wait ‘til I get my hands on him.

Slowly rolling onto my side, a hoarse gasp left my lips as a thousand needles pierced into my ribcage. Most of my ribs were probably fractured. The asshole must have been wearing steel toed boots when he kicked the crap out of me. I tried to steady my breathing and focus on something else.

Like the bed post.

What a nice bed post. By the looks of it, someone had probably carved it by hand.

"Okay. You have to get up eventually,” I encouraged myself out loud after taking a few deep breaths.

Gritting my teeth, I slowly moved to stand up. The process was long and felt like an eternity of never ending pain. I could stand at least, even if it was hunched over.

After finally steadying myself, something lying in the doorway caught my eye.

Jason was sprawled on the floor like a motionless sack of potatoes—a pool of blood soaking through his shirt and on the floor.

I hobbled over to him as quickly as my battered body would allow me. Gravity took hold and my knees hit the floor, making me kneel beside my deathly pale step brother.

Grabbing his wrist to check for a pulse, I breathed a sigh of relieff when I realized that his hand was still warm. Sure enough, I then felt a little tremor. He was still alive.  His heart beat was only a dull rhythm, but a rhythm nonetheless.

Practically sprawling down the stairs—almost falling more than once—I grabbed Jason’s phone that was sitting next to his Hummer keys on the kitchen counter and hastily dialed Luke’s number.

“Hey Logan, you were supposed to call m— ”

“Luke! Get one of our paramedics to the safe house NOW!”  I practically screamed into the phone.

“W-why? What’s going on?”

“Jason. He’s been shot. He’s still alive, but he barely has a pulse. They found us. They found her! They took Jillian, Luke. The guy—he was alone,”

“Slow down. Fuck. There was only one of ‘em?! How could you not handle that? You are trained for this kind of stuff before you even go out into the field.”

“I don’t need this right now Luke especially when Jason is on the floor in critical condition. Just send one of our medic vans down here!”

“I’m already on it.”

Ending the call, I tossed the phone on the nearby couch and trudged back upstairs again.

I didn’t even know where to begin with Jason. What to do. He had already lost so much blood. It really got me thinking.

I should have secured the area. He wouldn’t have been able to get inside.

I should have covered our tracks better. They wouldn’t have been able to find us at all—or at least this quickly.

Jason wouldn’t have been shot if I had been skilled enough to disarm the intruder or at least defend myself.

Jillian wouldn’t be going through the tortures and horrors that she probably is if I had kept my promise to keep her safe.

I couldn’t keep Lila safe either and she paid for it with her life.

 Everyone I care about— I’ve done nothing but let them all down.


Not. This. Time.


Hi :) I know this one's on the short side. I missed writing Logan's POV though and just wanted to let you all know that he's alive and well (sort of). :) Hope you like the story so far. Constructive criticism is always appreciated :D

I hope you all have a lovely day! :3

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