Chapter 14: Lucky C

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Chapter fourteen~

~Logan's POV~

I have no idea what I was thinking. Early in the morning after we had finished watching the Avengers and eating our "ice-cream surprise", she had fallen asleep on the couch, curled up into my side with her cute little fuzzy green froggy socks on. When me and Jason went shopping for her stuff I had picked those out. I was happy that she liked them. Anything to make her comfortable here.

Well anyways, I couldn't just let her sleep on the couch all night so I quietly lifted her up into my arms, delicate so as not to wake her, and carried her up the stairs to her room.

The bed looked so comfortable when I tucked her under the covers that I crawled on the other side of the bed and lied beside her. I know I probably shouldn't have done that but I knew that if I wasn't sure she was safe, I wouldn't be able to sleep all night.

Once I was finally able to get to sleep, I kept tossing and turning. All I could dream about was Jillian being in danger. Them coming for us; them coming for her.

I woke up from my nightmare, only have gotten like two hours of sleep.

Jillian was still peacefully resting beside me, her back to me. I could hear her breaths come out even and quiet.

I could see that she was still covered in chocolate from our explosive food fight in the kitchen last night. It was her fault though. She started it when she first wiped chocolate under my nose claiming that if I was a Bacon Masterchef, I needed a mustache.

So of course the chef's assistant needed one too...

The little sneaker brought it upon herself.

But we definitely had a good laugh. It was a great night that I don't think I'll ever forget.

I was relieved and grateful that she wasn't as mad at me as she was before. At least it sure looked like it. It just took her a little while to calm down I guess.

She was amazing and meant more to me than she would ever know. She couldn't ever know. It would only put her in more danger than she was already in and I couldn't let that happen.

I protectively wrapped my arm around her waist and I felt her turn around in the bed to face me. I kept my eyes closed in case she was awake.

That would be an incredibly awkward situation, one of which I was not about to put myself into.

After a minute of staying as still as I could, I was debating whether or not to get up and leave while she was still asleep but was alarmingly shocked to feel soft fingertips slowly brush across my forehead.

I opened my eyes and found myself staring into a pair of hazel ones.

Jillian still had her hand on my cheek but quickly took it away when she realized that I had seen.

Her beautiful face was flustered and even though it was early in the morning, she looked adorable.

This girl that I had only known for less then a week had somehow managed to stir up feelings that I promised I would never let myself feel again.

I don't know what it is exactly, but when I'm around her, everything is different. I forget about the stupid Society, the corrupt and secret government, I even forget about Lila.

Thinking about Lila snapped me back to reality. I couldn't fall for Jillian. After what happened before, I will never let myself fall for another assignment.

"Sorry I fell asleep in here," I mumbled to her, straining to put no emotion behind my voice. 

I moved to sit up, then pushed myself off of the bed and walked out of the room.

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