Chapter 2: Florida

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Chapter two ~

I woke up the next morning to the sun shining in my eyes and I slowly sat up in bed to take in my surroundings.

A gorgeous hotel suite that smelled like vanilla candles stared back at me. It was made up of three rooms holding a king size bed and a four-piece luxurious bathroom, about 15 stories above the ground. My luggage was sitting in the corner of the room.

When our plane landed last night at the Fort Lauderdale airport, it was 2 am and by the time we got our luggage, caught a shuttle and made it to our hotel it was already 3:45 am. I must have passed out as soon as I sat on the bed.

After a minute or so, I willed myself to trudge to the shower. By the time I was done, I was feeling much more awake.

The clock beside the bed read 10:00 am and I was mildly surprised. I don't usually sleep in this late, no matter what time I go to bed at.

After putting on a pair of white jean shorts and a red tank top, I couldn't resist the urge to open the sliding door and walk out onto the balcony.

The salty Florida breeze hit me instantly and the humidity consumed me. I smiled as I took in the blue skied, sunny day. Palm trees littered the ground and people were walking along the streets.

The beach and ocean that stretched out in front of my hotel window were breathtaking. My parents sure did know how to pick the hotels with the best views.

I watched the oceanic scene in front of me for a moment longer before I turned around, grabbed my poetry notebook and pen incase I found some inspiration today, and practically sprinted out the door.

Leaving a note would be pointless; my parents had already long gone from their room, and probably wouldn't notice any of my disappearances for the rest of the trip.

All I had to do was remember our departure time. If I didn't they would probably leave without me.

As soon as I stepped outside, I was faced with a busy street, lined with about three tourist shops and at least four ice-cream stands. Luckily I had remembered to bring my bankcard—something that my parents somehow remembered to keep generously balanced.

After buying some much needed sunglasses, sunscreen, a bright orange towel, a black and white striped bikini, and of course a beach bag to put it all in from one of the tourist shops, I was prepared to walk to the much awaited beach when my stomach let out a thunder-loud grumble.

"Stupid godzilla stomach. Good going, everyone probably heard that." I muttered to myself. But like always, no one seemed to notice or if they did, they forgot about it within secounds.

I sat down at the first outdoor café I came across and started flipping through their breakfast menu.

I had my mind made up of what I was going to order for about forty minutes before a waiter finally came around to assist me. I tried not to sound too irritated as I sweetly ordered a small raspberry iced-tea with two poached eggs and home fries.

I sighed, knowing I was probably going to be waiting for at least another thirty minutes. I brought out my poetry book from my new beach bag and began some rough scribbling:

 The hot Florida sun,  

Breathes fiery heat down my back.  

 My presence unknown to the world,

 Save me before I snap.

I laughed to myself at my horrendous work and smoothly crossed it out with my pen.

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