Chapter 3: Logan

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 Chapter Three ~

My eyes fluttered open to an unfamiliar atmosphere and the memory of early today flooded back to me. I must have fainted after I fell.

I've never fainted in my life and after feeling the experience and waking up with my ears ringing and head pounding, I hoped I would never have to go through it again.

I propped myself up onto one elbow, and looked around.

I slowly observed the small, run down room. The paint was already beginning to peel off of the walls and there was only a small window shedding in the faint light from outside. I was currently lying in a very small bed that seemed just big enough to support my slim body.

A stinging sensation filled my right arm and I looked down on it.

By the looks of it, my cut had been cleaned, bandaged and wrapped up in a cotton fabric sling.

That was when I remembered the mystery boy. He must have taken me here. But why? And how did he manage to feel guilty and worried when I got hurt? Or notice that he even pushed me down? This isn't possible. It's never happened before.

 ~Knock..... Knock~

 "I’m guessing you're finally awake. Can I come in?" someone asked from the other side of the door.

I must have been mumbling to myself. The one person who knows I exist probably thinks I'm crazy now. Just great.

Before I could answer, the door pushed open to reveal the boy from the café.

He looked the same as I remember, those emerald green eyes piercing into mine.

I grimaced when I noticed that now there was a slight difference to his appearance. There was some swelling under his left eye, a purple bruise beginning to form.

"Your eye..." I whispered looking down at the bed.

"I'm fine," he answered with his deep voice, causing goose bumps to form on my arms, "You got the worst of the fall I'm afraid. You fainted before we got here so you weren't able to eat. You'll still be hungry."

With a shake of his hair he looked back up at me and after a brief moment of slight awkwardness asked, "What's your name?"

I stared up at him, my face a mixture of confusion and bewilderment.

"Why do you care?" I couldn't help but blurt out, “Why are you helping me?'

Now it was his turn to look confused.

"Last time I checked, I fell on you, knocking your table over and severely injuring your arm resulting in you passing out. I would be a heartless dick if I didn't do anything."

I kept my defensive barrier up and squinted suspiciously. "Who are you?"

A smirk played across his lips as he replied, "Logan. Logan Fisher. And you?"

I hesitated; no one had ever asked me for my name before. Something was definitely abnormal.

Logan seemed to notice my uncertain hesitation and quickly corrected himself, "I mean I have fallen on you, and hurt you, and taken you to my house while you were unconscious, and you don't really know me so you don't have to tel—"

"Jillian." I said cutting him off.

For some reason, I decided it wasn't a big deal if he knew. That and my head was still pounding and his constant talking was only making it worse.

"Jillian," he repeated seeing how it would sound on his lips. He gave a quick nod then continued, "you're probably starving. You were asleep for a while. It's already five o' clock. I have dinner made in the kitchen. Do you think you can walk?"

I gave him a small smile of assurance trying to act brave, "Yes. Thank you."

I slowly brought my legs over the side of the bed. He offered me his hand for support and I gratefully took it, pulling myself up.

The nausea feeling hadn't yet subsided and I wobbled a little bit.

Finally standing up though, I realized just how tall Logan was compared to my 5'6 figure. Wow. He had to be at least 6'3.

He was wearing black jeans and a navy blue t-shirt that perfectly defined his very well built body.

"The kitchen's this way." he smiled, interrupting my gawking session.

I hesitantly followed him through two sets of doors, my mouth already watering from the heavenly smell of whatever he was cooking. We turned the corner and there was a table laid out with two bowls of macaroni and cheese.

He pulled my chair out and I eagerly sat down. When Logan sat beside me, I dug into the food of cheesy goodness.

We just ate in a quiet silence until my fork came across something pink and crispy in the macaroni. I turned to him, asking what it was.

He responded with a cheesy grin, "It's bacon!"

After gaping at the bacon piece for a few secounds the random laughter inside of me could no longer be contained. "Tha-that's brilliant! Mac-n-cheese-n-bacon. Who knew?!" I finally managed to say between laughs.

I was surprised with the amused look he was giving me. I just gave him another reason to think I was a lunatic. I was half expecting him to be gripping his butter knife for protection by now.

By the time I had finished my second bowl it was already getting dark.

“You should probably be getting home, your parents must be worried. I'll drive you home.”

They don't even care that I'm gone. I thought.

But I didn't dare say it out loud. Instead, I sighed and picked up my beach bag, "Yeah. You're probably right."

He grabbed his keys and we headed outside to the parked Honda Civic parked on his driveway.

When we arrived at the hotel I was staying at, I turned to face him. "Thank you for everything you've done." A blush heated up my cheeks.

"Anytime. I'm glad you're all right. If you ever need something, you know where I live now. Hopefully I'll see you again."

I smiled at him and gave a reassuring nod. I got out of the car and he gave me a quick wink and drove away just as the sun fell below the horizon.

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