Chapter 13: Blushy face :$

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Chapter thirteen~

The house was silent when I woke up with the exception of the wind howling fiercely outside my room's window.

I snuggled deeper into my pillow as I remembered the events of last night.

Logan and I had stayed up until about five in the morning. He had put this crazy thought into his head that we had to invent some kind of amazing type of food that must contain bacon.

The proposal he came up was to make bacon, rip it up into itty bitty chunks, dip each individual piece into melted chocolate, and then use them as ice cream toppings.

When he first told me of his plan, I nearly gagged and refused to be any part of his craziness, but when the smell of sizzling bacon wafted through the air in the living room where I was watching the Avengers, my legs began moving on their own accord into the kitchen and before I knew it, me and Logan had melted chocolate all over us.

Of course because half of the chocolate that was meant for the bacon was now covering our bodies, we had a ton of bacon left over, which we decided to eat as a side dish along with our ice cream supreme while we watched the rest of the Avengers. 

I smiled with the memory of Logan and I having such a good time but was instantly scared shitless when something heavy dropped around my waist.

Holding in my breath I looked down to see that the heavy thing I felt was actually an arm draped over me- a very...masculine looking arm.

Slowly I turned around in the bed and was met nose-to-nose with Logan's sleeping face.

I closed my eyes and waited for my heartbeat to slow down before I opened them again to look at him.


He had chocolate on the top of his cheek and I had to resist the urge of licking it off.


"Gahh." I face palmed myself. Jeez what the hell is wrong with me? Why did I even think that!?

This was a bit creepy of me. Wait. Let me rephrase that. This was veeeryyy creepy to be staring at him while he slept.

I've never been this close to him before though and I didn't want to let the opportunity slip.

I slowly and carefully memorized the shape of his jaw, the smoothness of his cheek, the way his lips slightly curved up while he slept.


When I got to his eyes I felt like I had been kicked in my chest and couldn't breathe properly.

He had dark circles under his eyes.

I was able to sleep on the car ride here. I slept back in the crevice where the springs were, but I haven't seen him sleep once.

He must have been up for at least forty-eight hours and then on top of that, he still wanted to stay up the whole night with me to make chocolate bacon bit toppings and ice cream.


I lied there in awe at the effort he was putting in to try and make up for what he did to me. It was a sweet thing, and I had so much fun with him, but I never wanted to put his health at risk.


If only I had looked closer before, I would have seen this. Or maybe if I wasn't so stupid and inconsiderate I could have figured it out myself! It was my fault he didn't have enough sleep. I was responsible for this.  


Looking at his face, I felt guilt and sadness for this poor guy. Had I judged him too soon? 


A few strands of his dark hair had fallen out of place, onto his calm face and I couldn't stop myself from gently brushing it away with my fingers, lingering my touch on his soft cheek.


His eyes shot open and I immediately flinched, removing my hand as if it had been burned.

Worry had caused my entire body to tense up. My cheeks turned beet red and my ears were burning from the embarrassment I was faced with.

How long had he been awake? He probably thinks I'm some crazy creeper chick who watches people while they sleep now. Lovely.

The words of hundreds of apologies fumbled in my head but my mouth refused to say anything. I was speechless.


He just stayed still lying down, staring at me, his eyes so full of emotion that I thought I was going to burst as the pterodactyls in my stomach fluttered around.


I would literally melt if I looked into those green eyes for much longer so I turned my head, directing my gaze to the bed, that of which I suddenly became very fascinated with.


When ours eyes locked, I knew he was thinking about something, but I couldn't figure out the meaning behind his eyes. I really sucked at reading emotions, so I was preparing myself for the worst reaction.


"Sorry, I guess we both accidently fell asleep in here." he eventually said, calmly. 


His expression had changed though; now he seemed more closed off and distant.


Then he did something that surprised even me; he got up and just walked right out of my room.


Okay, I was seriously confused. It's not like anything sexual happened between us last night. I was sure because we both still had our chocolate-covered clothes on, but why would he just leave like that?


I ran into the bathroom to see if I could maybe find the cause.

Looking in the mirror I could see my hazel eyes were lightly puffy and my hair definitely had bed head, but it shouldn't be enough to scare him away. I checked for gross morning breath but it didn't seem too bad either. Maybe he just wanted to go take a shower to get all the chocolate out of his hair, something I should be doing too.

Pushing aside my worry from the way Logan left, I got into the shower and blasted the water on cold, letting the freezing spray of water pound on my back, taking my mind off of everything except for the chills that were running from my fingers to my toes.


Hey ya'll! XD so this was a bit of a filler and I know its on the short side but I really wanted to add a Logan POV next... what do you think? Should I? :)

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Your votes and reads encourage me to write quicker and more!! :D


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