Chapter 10: Hummer, or not?

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Chapter ten~

Jason led the way after we stepped outside of the crevice while Logan followed behind me. He hasn't spoken to me since I woke up at the springs and based on his rigid stance and frustrated expression, I knew something was bothering him. It's probably just the intimidation he feels by the fact that someone with a higher authority than him was there.

"I need to talk to you." Logan whispered into my ear.

My breath hitched and my heart skipped a beat as his face lingered beside mine. He was close. So close. I could feel his warm breath against my neck and my body shivered from the tingly sensation.

I quickly composed myself and it took all of my will-power to push away from him and quickly catch up to Jason.

Facing Logan alone to talk this out was not something I was prepared for at the moment. I had to take time to absorb the facts and sort out my feelings first.

When I reached Jason, he turned to look at me, smiling immediately and placing his hand on the small of my back, guiding me down the rocks that we had yet to descend.

The first few steps I took very cautiously. I was deathly afraid of the dangerous slope before me and I knew myself to be very clumsy and accident prone. After a while, I became slightly over confident and risked looking up, instead of at my feet. Of course this was the perfect time for a rock to be sticking right out in front of me and as I lifted my foot, it caught on it, nearly sprawling me to my death.

Fortunately I managed to catch my footing, but I was still shaken up. I looked behind me and Logan was right at my side, worry etched on his face. Only a few moments ago, he was at least fifty meters behind me. He must have ran down the slope dangerously fast to come to help me. Clearly he didn't mean anything by it though because as soon as he saw I was looking at him and our eyes met, he quickly hid the worry and concern on his face and masked his eyes to only give off the hard, uncaring and hollowness as before.

This pissed me off even more. I can't believe I thought I had a friend in this goddamn world. In reality, nobody has ever cared for me, and nobody ever will. I was just a trophy to Jason, and an assigned job to Logan. Nothing more.

I must have been lost in thought for some while because we soon arrived to the main road again.

A spotless, black hummer with tinted windows was parked on the shoulder of the road. It made a beep sound as Jason wirelessly unlocked the doors.

Realization dawned on me and I froze in my tracks.

"Just exactly where are we going?" I suspiciously looked at Jason, nodding towards the hummer.

"We need to get you out of the city. And quickly." he answered, his expression completely serious.

"You still haven't told me where you're taking me. I think you're a nice guy and all, but we just met and if you ask me, I think what you're saying is sounding quite creepy at this point." I slowly began backing up, uncertain of what I should do. That movie I watched as a little girl about stranger danger came to mind and I began to fear the worst. What if this was all bullshit? What if he isn't being completely honest with me and I'm about to be kidnapped?

Jason sighed, "Look, I know you've just taken in a lot of information and this is freaking you out but you have to trust me and come with us."

"I trusted Logan and look where that got me." I muttered under my breath, but clearly I wasn't quiet enough as I could see Logan immediately frown out of the corner of my eye.

Jason looked quite annoyed by now and was obviously irritated at the difficulty I was giving him.

I gave him a dirty look, "I am not a child and I'm not stupid either. You think I'm just going to hop in your creepy-ass car and excitedly await where this mysterious road trip will take me?" I let out a very unladylike snort of laughter. "Sorry jason, you can forget it."

His hands went up to pull on his hair as he yelled "God you're stubborn woman!"

Jason was so loud that a flock of birds from a nearby bush flew off in a panic and quickly disappeared from sight.

Logan was just leaning on the side of the hummer door the whole time, very sexily I might add, watching the scene in front of him with amused eyes and a knowing smile.

After he took a few deep breaths Jason tried to restrain himself from yelling, his back facing me, "Jillian, it's been a long day and I've been more than fair, but..." he trailed off as the anger seeped into his voice, "get. in. the. fucking. car. NOW."

Wow. Seriously? This wannabe macho man was trying to intimidate me? Ptff. I can't believe I once thought this pathetic excuse of a guy was attractive. He's nothing but a shit stain, pain in the ass!

I wasn't used to being told what to do, and I hated it.

I turned around and began walking away from him along the roadside, trying to keep a quick pace. My clothes were still damp from the springs and were getting extremely uncomfortable.

I had walked about a hundred meters when I heard stones scrunching behind me under the pressure of someone's feet. I looked back and immediately wished I hadn't. A very pissed off Jason was chasing suit and getting closer and closer by the secound. Crap.

Picking up speed, my legs moved faster and faster hopelessly trying to escape his reach.

I barely made it five strides before sudden, strong hands gripped me tightly around the waist and my feet were lifted off of the ground. I squeaked in shock as Jason tossed me over his shoulder effortlessly and he grumbled in annoyance at my uncooperative behaviour.

"Let me go Jason!" I screamed, kicking my legs and attempting to punch his back. I felt like Fiona from Shrek.

"Not happening princess, you should have been more compliant."

When we reached the car, Logan was standing up straight in front of the car looking at Jason and I. He also was clearly pissed off but his hateful expression was directed at Jason.

I looked into Logan's green Iris' as we neared the car, and silently pleaded with my eyes for help against the psychopath carrying me.

Jason opened up the backseat door to the hummer and roughly threw me inside slamming the door shut. I seethed at the harsh landing as my body made an uncomfortable landing on the leather seat.

"Asshole." I muttered to myself.

I watched as Jason went around the car to get into the drivers seat but half-way across, Logan stepped in front of his path, stopping him.

They're conversation was inaudible since the thick glass barrier was in my way, but Logan was speaking through clenched teeth and was looking warningly at Jason.

Jason just laughed in his face and moved around Logan to get into the car.

After a couple secounds of waiting, Logan opened the door and sat himself in the front passenger seat and turned around to face me, "Please... put your seatbelt on."

I heard the seriousness yet also sincereness in his voice telling me he just wanted me to be safe. I put on my seatbelt, but not because he asked me to. I was just pissed off at the crazy guy in the drivers seat and I didn't want to get killed from this mental case's driving skills.

"Logan that's not the right thing to say," Jason laughed mischievously from the front. He looked at me in his rearview mirror and smiled at me in such a way that made my stomach churn.

"Get in, sit down, shut up, hang on!" he yelled as he floored the accelerator.

******************************************:-):-) Alright, so I apologize for not updating as quickly as I usually do. I had a writers block and really wanted to shape an exciting plot for the future of this novel and it took quite more brainstorming than I originally thought.

...anyways, thank you for those of you who stuck around for that little while and I hope the wait was worth this chapter, and those to follow. :)


<3 Kikiokikio

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