How does she know?

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"For a women... you're pretty strong he says as he gasps for air laying down on the library floor with me too gasping.

"There was.. more... where that came from!!" I said.

After chasing Tomato head (Ayato) for 30 minutes we both gave up too tired to do anything.

However the dream I had in my class still bothers me I look over to Tomato head who's still laughing.

I sit up.

"Oi Pancake what are you doing!!" Ayato said sitting up.

"To- I mean Ayato.. who was your mother..." I said looking at him straight in the eye.

His eye widened then turns angry. He grips my wrist then says "Pancake you've got nerve for asking that!!" He says.

I was about to yell when suddenly something hits me in the back of my head. And then everything turns black. 

Ayato's P.O.V.
Yui falls onto my lap as Reji stands up dropping the book he used to knock her out . . .

"That's a hard ass book" I say.
Then in one second I feel something painful on my cheek. The Damn brat slapped me.

"What did you tell her" Reji said. "And don't lie to me. . ." His eyes glowing purple

"I told her nothing!!" I say truthfully.

He looks at me intensely then says "Then how does she know about. . .  her. . ."

I stood up caring Yui bridal style "If I knew I would've told you and the others by now and no I don't know how she knows but I don't care if she knew or not-"

He pushes me to the wall but I don't lose my grip on Yui. I cough. . . He's fast. . .

"You know damn well.. that this has everything to do with you!!" Reji says.

He groans then says "get Yui to the infirmary then we'll try to force it out of her to know how she knows about. . . her. . ." He says before disappearing into the shadows.

I look at Yui
"Now look what you did pancake. . ."

Diabolik Lover: Yui the Badass (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now