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Ayato left leaving me to stand alone I can hear him grumble in anger as he leaves.

Are all Vampires always angry?

I walked through and out of the party and sighed as I wandered to the garden where Subaru was. 

I gasped then hid in the corner, I do not want to be thrown across the room...  Or be punched into a wall..  Again.

"What're you looking at? "

I yell then look behind me to see Shu. 


Yah that wasn't really a whisper. 

"I'm spying on my boyfriend.. "
"And does Subaru know your his boyfriend? "
"He will.. " He says smiling. 

And the fact that he doesn't even deny he likes Subaru is pretty gay.

I sigh
"So I heard you bumped into a Mukami... "

I looked up "yah..  Do you guys like?  Hate them? "

He looks at me "Oh please... it's much worse than that... " he says under his breath. 

"But wh-" before I could finish Shu puts his hand over my mouth. 

"Shh... " then we both look at Subaru. 

I hear a wimper that's when I realized Subaru was crying. 

"Wow.. Those are some manly tears.." I said.  "Lemme see!! " Shu says pushing me. 

"Why is he crying? " that's when I notice his eyes we're blood red. 

"He's having those stupid flashbacks again... I wonder what it is this time? " Shu says then he gasps.  I look out of the corner to see a reddish but brownish vampire walking to Subaru. 

Shu starts to growl. "How dare he... "

Huh? Who's he?
Oh please... It's much worse than that..

I gasp a mukami!!

I can tell Shu's about to go all Vampire king mode but I hold him back. 

"If it isn't tough guy Subaru!!" The orange haired vampire says grinning. 

That's when Subaru snaps out of it then wipes his tears.  "Yuma... " He makes a fist ready to one punch him. 

"Now now!! No need to be violent!!" Yuma says and puts his hands behind his head. 

"I'm just gonna use you for a second.." Yuma says under his breath. 

Then without warning Yuma grabs Subaru by both arms then pins him to the ground. 

"Fuck!!" Subaru yells in pain

Shu's eyes starts to turn bright blue as he growls.  I gasp. 

Reji said that Shu doesn't even get flashbacks does this mean he's like super triggered. 

"Shu.... " I say nervously.

"Haha!! You look so pathetic.. Karlheinz says vampire blood tastes pretty good!! Then lemme try.. " yuma says leaning towards Subaru more closer. 

Subaru doesn't say anything

"What!! Dead in a fight already!! " Yuma says laughing then..


It happened so fast wind gusted through my eyes. 

"AGH!!" Yuma yells as he slams into a wall.  His arm was bleeding and his head was to. 

And it was the wall we we're spying at.  Bruh someone should call Subaru the Wallpuncher....

I could hear footsteps and I see Subaru's eyes are glowing "My father says a lot of things.. But one of the things he said that we're true.. was that Mukamis we're fun to break!!" Subaru smiles "let's give it a try!! " he says charging into Yuma holding up his fist and....


There was so much dust in the air I almost choked. 

"That's enough Subaru... " A familiar voice says. 

I opened my eyes to see the Ketchup guy putting a palm against Subaru's fist blocking him from Yuma. 

Subarus eyes start to die down to the original color as he growls when he sees the person who blocked him.

Yuma opens his eyes and gasps "Karlheinz... I... " then he groans in pain.

"Settle down Yuma... " he says to him then looks at me and Shu. 

He picks up Yuma and walks toward Shu.  "How can you even call yourself a king... "

Shu eyes Karlheinz,  then Ketchup guy looks at me "Yui... "

I can see Yuma look at me then he whispers "Eve... "

When they leave me and Shu both look at Subaru. 

"Are you o-" but I get cut off by Shu who pounces at Subaru to the ground and probably is hugging him to death.  "WHA!! HEY GET OFF OF ME!! " Subaru yells punching Shu in the back.  "I'm glad you're okay... " Shu whispers on his neck

Subaru blushes then stops punching him "Whatever... " he says hugging him back. 

I smile

Diabolik Lover: Yui the Badass (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now