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Me and Ayato went to the dining room as Subaru was setting the table with Laito while Shu slept in one of the chairs.

"Where's Reji and Kanato?" I said helping Subaru pass out the napkins.

"In the kitchen...." he says as he puts the last napkin on the table.

"Hey bitch~chan can you get some more plates in the kitchen" Laito says.

I nod and head to the kitchen.

Kanato was decorating the deserts and talking to Teddy. While Reji was taking a sip of the soup he was making.

"Yo Reji!! Where the plates at!!" I said slinging my arm around Reji's shoulder. I seriously had to tip toe because he was so tall.

He scolds at me and point to the cabin above us. "While you're taking the plates can you get some salt..."

"Why..." I say grabbing it "Is it because your so damn SALTY!!" I laugh I can hear Kanato sniffle a laugh while Reji just looks at me with a disappointed face as he grabs the salt out of my hands.

"Oh come on!! That was good!!" I say he doesn't answer me.

"The door!!"

I head out of the kitchen and put the plates on the table as the food starts to sit on the table.

When we were all done we sat down and ate.

"Wow Reji, the soup tastes great!!" Laito says twirling the spoon in his hand.

I stop stuffing my face with food and looked at the bowl of soup.

I took a sip, it tasted good.... it tasted familiar.

I almost drop my spoon when I realize it.

This was the same soup my dad made.

"Oi!! Pancake what's wrong!!" Ayato says wiping his mouth.

I look at Reji, who's sipping his tea his quietly. "This soup... my dad made this for me when I was little... how?"

He puts his cup down and looks at me "I might have down some research..."

"Talk about stalker...."

He growled at me as Shu pushes his brother down.

"Aww.... It's pretty cute Reji~San cares about Bitch~Chan so much!!" Laito cooed.

Reji sighs pushing his glasses up "I only did it because of the homesickness...."

I look at him as he drinks his tea.

Laito slings his arm around me raising his cup of wine. "A toast!! To Bitch~Chan's new family!!" Laito said putting his cup up.

We all out our cups up and laughed.

Ever since I came to the mansion... I was worried if I could ever see my family again.... looks like I already have...

Diabolik Lover: Yui the Badass (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now