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I lay on the couch as I stared at the ceiling. These past few days my flashbacks started to get worst. I don't know what's happening but I have a feeling Richter had something to do with it....

Ding!! Ding!!

I sit up quickly... What!!

I stand up and go to the living room to see the rest of my brothers there staring at the balcony in shock.

I looked up and I could feel my heart drop.

"Fufu~ ayato is here...." The voice said.

The body was definitely Yui wearing a purple dress, a flower on her hair.

Her eyes were green and her voice was different, she....

"What's wrong Ayato...." She says smiling at me. "Don't remember your mother..."

I tense up. It's a bit weird to see your mother's soul in the girl you like body okay!!

Subaru clenched his fist looking at Richter who was wrapping his arms around Yui's waist.

"You could've brought anybody back to life yet you chose this bitch...." He says his eyes glowing red.

Subaru was probably the best fighter out of all of us, he practices by punching all the walls.

Subaru jumped to the balcony throwing a punch at Richter, only for him to block it, then Subaru swings a kick but misses. I can hear something drop on the ground, his knife!!

He comes back to the ground landing safely "Dammit...." He says eyeing the knife on the floor.

"I'll be glad to challenge any one of you in a fight... " Richter said with a smirk

I growl and climb up the stairs to both of them. It might not be as Badass as Subaru or Yui but you have to give me credit.....

"Give me back Flat chest!!" I said rolling up my sleves, I'm so gonna regret this...

Yui looks at me covering her chest "ugh!! Richter you could've gave a body that has a bigger chest than this!!"

He kisses her on the cheek "Maybe later love...."


He brings out a sword from his cloak and swings it at me.

Shit!! I jump out of the way barely missing the blade. I wasn't harmed but my beautiful tie was cut off.


"Ayato!!" Laito says throwing me a sword. I catch it and hold it at Richter.

How do you use this again?

Richter hits his sword at mines as I block it, he's so fast!! Is he a ninja!!


My sword clatter onto the floor. What was I supposed to do now!!

I look up at him and smile nervously what to do what to do...

"You know... My mother never loved you.." I say as richter hesitates.

"She was just using you to make my dad jealous..." I continue to say, Richter lowers his sword.

"Ugh!! Richter kill him already!!" Yui says.

Richter ignored her demand "Is that true... You were just using me!!" He says pointing his sword at her.

She steps back a bit "No honey!! I love you!! I would never!!" She hesitates.

Richter's anger broke "Agh!!" He says swinging his sword at her.

My eyes glow green as I ran to her blocking her from Richter, feeling something stab me in the back.

I gasp for air, I feel my eyes start to change back to the original color. When I open them I see Ayato standing over me his mouth with blood. His shirt stained with blood too.

"Hey..." Ayato says coughing out some more blood.

Richter was standing behind him taking out the blade out of him. He grunts. "Even for a vampire you still are in pain because of this!! How pathetic..."

Ayato drops into my arms. 

I feel my eyes start to glow, can humans have flashbacks too!! I growl and pick up subaru's knife.

Subaru looks at me "it's for the party" he says smoothing his hair back "anyways... " out of the back of his pocket he revealed a shiny sliver knife.

"AHHH!! ARE YOU GONNA KILL ME!!" I yelled holding up my pillow for protection.

"No!!" He hands it to me, I take it cautiously.

"This knife can kill any vampire..."

I feel tears run down my cheek as I yell running to Richter thrusting the knife into his heart. My eyes were glowing red

"This knife can kill any vampires... So if anybody from the party tries to hurt you..."

"I just need to go Stab stab and do the dab dab" I said.

He sighs "Yah whatever..."

But as I did that I could feel her taking over me again. I feel my eyes flicker to green as Richter falls down in agony.

I can't let this happen to anyone anymore!! I run down the stairs and turned the blade to me. I can already hear Cordelia voice freaking out.


My eyes go red the usual color as I stab myself in the heart, Cordelia's heart....

Then everything turns black.

Diabolik Lover: Yui the Badass (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now