New day

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I yawned, running a hand through my messy blond hair. Yesterday's festival really took the energy away from me. But it was a new day, still in the Mukami mansion I was getting use to it. However, it still bothered me, it felt weird not being with the Sakamakis.

The room wasn't pink but a blunt brown color. When I looked out it was sunny with Yuma's garden instead of it being dark out and the moon shining over Subaru's rose bushes.

It felt different, and I didn't like it.

There was a knock on my door. I turned the knob swinging the door lightly. To see Ruki, "Good morning Yui,"

"Good morning Ruki... what are you doing here?" I asked leaning towards the doorway, I was still tired at the time.

"I was going to tell you that breakfast is ready downstairs. Feel free to come down whenever you like." Ruki replies with a smile at the end of the sentence then leaves after he's done.

At least Ruki is nicer than the Sakamakis usually Reji just drags me downstairs or threatens to feed me brussel sprouts. Those green little vegetable shits taste nasty.

I get dressed anyways in a blue shirt and white shorts. My pink shirt was still at the Sakamkis mansion, too bad the Mukamis didn't take it after kidnapping me.

I went downstairs, and my nose met the soothing smell of fresh pancakes and fried eggs. EGGS FOR DAYS!!

I crept to the dinner table, is still called dinner table if it's for breakfast? And saw, tomato rapist and Mr.Kawaii arguing while Creepo was there stabbing the yolk in the middle of his egg.

Creepo= Azusa
Mr.Kawaii= Kou
Tomato rapist= Yuma.

"Hey it's not fair that you get to eat 5 PIECES OF BACON, only leaving two for Azusa. Does your fangirls want to see their idol fat?!" Yuma yelled at Kou.

Kawaii jitsu laughed "I have a fast metabolism!! And I know that you only want it for yourself! Azusa you can take some of my bacon if you'd like!!"

"I'm... fine.." Creepy Beret replies making the yolk bleed out of the egg.

"No one has to take anything from people's plates. There's still more food to eat." Ruki says coming in with two hot plates of bacon and pancakes. When he spots me near the doorway and says "Come eat Yui.."

I tensed, "uh...Yah..."

I awkwardly walked by the sly stares of other three. Since I was never on good terms with them, then sat down looking down at my empty plate.

After a couple seconds Kou nudges me. I look up to see a plate with a stack of bacon. "Are you just going to stare at the plate, eat already!" Yuma urges shoving the plate near my face.

"Neko~ Chan, do you like orange juice or milk?" Kou smiles ignoring Yuma. "Hey!! I asked Sow first!!" Yuma roared.

I smiled. "I'd love some," I say taking some bacon and held the cup where Kou poured the juice.

I digged into the breakfast, bit into the fluffy pancakes, drank the sweet juice and the crunchy bacon was delcious!

"Hm, you seem to be enjoying this.." Ruki says, drinking his coffee.

I swallowed down the food, Reji say it's rude to talk with your mouth full. "Yeah, everything is delcious. Did you.. make all this?"

Ruki nodded.
"Yes... I'm glad you like it.." he said gently adding a little smile in the end.

I scribbled my answer on my homework. No, that can't be right last time I checked 1+1=3 or was it window....

I sighed, I hate math sooo much!! Maybe I should ask Ruki, he carries a book all the time. He looks like the number two Reji.

I gather my stuff and make my way to his room. I knock on the door a couple of times and after a second it swings open. Ruki steps out in a gray shirt. "Yui, is something wrong?"

"Oh, everything's fine!! I just needed your help, it won't take long!" I say. "Is it okay with you?"

He smiles. "Of course, come in."

When I step inside the room is classy but simple. Ruki sat down on a chair while I sat down on his bed. "What did you need help with?"

I smiled sheeply. "Know anything about math?"

Author Note:

If you're a diabolik lover's fan, I mean why else would you be here? Check out my other Diabolik Lovers fanfiction!!

If you're a diabolik lover's fan, I mean why else would you be here? Check out my other Diabolik Lovers fanfiction!!

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For all the Shubaru fans out there!! You can check it out at my profile Apikachucanwrite

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