The Fair

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When I arrived at the fair, the place was crowded with people setting it up. When I saw Saber's blond hair, I ran over to her.

"Hey!! Sorry I'm late, but is there anything I can do?" I said fixing my hair.

Saber nods "Its fine, we just got started. Anyways, can you hang these lights up on the sign over there... I want them to shine when the sky turns dark." As she points to the box labelled lights with a smiley face

I nod and take it. I huffed from the weight, I never expect it to be so heavy. I lift up even more, You got this Yui!! Everyone knows you're ripped asf.

"Do you need help with that?"

My head spun around to the person, only to be met by a blue haired man.

"Ruki!! What are you doing here?" I said suprised, this guy doesn't even go to school...

He smiles taking the box from my hanfs before I could even protest "I was walking by and saw you... saw I thought I'd stop by and say 'hi'"

"Anyways... what are you doing here? I never took you, for one to volunteer.."

"Tch!!" I cross my arms. "You know I'm actually a good person!!"

He raises one of his eyebrows.

"Okay it was for math homework answers..."
"I see..."

When we get to the sign, I grabbed a ladder while Ruki put the box down.

"Saber asked me to hang the lights up here.." I said climbing up the ladder.

He nods and hands me one end of the lights while he holds the other end.

I grunt trying to reach for the hook on the sign. Almost... there!!

The ladder began to rock, then

I slipped from the ladder and crashed into somebody. I groan as I look up to see a pair of worried eyes staring at me.

"Are you alright!!" Ruki yelled, his face was way too close to mines. His hair brushed against my skin.

That's when I noticed I landed on top of Ruki. WHY DOES CLICHE MOMENTS HAPPEN IN ANIMES!?

Suprised I jump back. "I'm sorry!! WOWW!! THAT UH-" I coughed into my fist, trying calm myself down.

He chuckles "It's quite alright..."

My face flushes "y-yeah!!" I kicked myself, I'm such an idiot!!

The day started to die out while night took its rightful place in the sky. And the festival began.

Ruki and me started to walk through the fair after a long day of tiring work hanging up lights and unloading the decorations. It was actually pretty fun, so in the end Saber told us to enjoy the fair.

"So what would you like to do?" Ruki said his hands in his pockets.

"Umm... well you"

"Get your apples!! YOU KNOW CARMEL APPLES ARE DA BEST!!" A Cartmen said

"CARMEL APPLES!!" I blurted out.
Oh my fucking god...
Yui, you dumbass...

Ruki bursts into laughter "W-What?!"

My face turns red, and when he finally recovers he says "You want to buy carmel apples?"

I nod slowly not saying a word.

He smiles "Wait here.." he walks away.

"Oh my god oh my god!! What did I just say!! Why would I say that!! What was I thinking just blurting CARMEL APPLES outta nowhere!! Was I smoking weed or something!!"

I slung my head, when I turn around I swore I saw something. Other than the people in front of me.... it was as if someone else was watching me as they lurked in the shadows.

"Ayato..." I whispered under my breath. I knew it was him.. because I caught a green glint... something only he had..

"Yui!!" The blue haired man came back with a carmel apple and a bunch of napkins in his hands. He looks where I'm looking a bit confused to see nothing "What are you looking at"

I turn to him and shake my head "Its nothing..."

Noticing my sad face he gives me the apple. "It looks super sweet don't really know how you can eat something like this.."

"Hey!!" I grabbed it out of his hand "Sweet stuff can get your mind off difficult stuff..." quote Kanato had said.

"I see... Well I guess I should try.."
"Well I guess you're gonna have to buy your-"

I was interrupted by a soft kiss on my lips. His warm tongue entered and flavored the sweetness of the carmel.

(Oh god that was cringy to write)

When he pulled back a smile was plastered on his face "It does taste really sweet... or maybe thats how you taste.."

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