Get a man who can do both

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Knock knock
"Who is it?" Ruki stopped in his words when he saw me. Bloodied, bruised and beat upon. I didn't say anything and came in.

"Yui.... What happened!!" Ruki yelled. I look over at Kou who was sitting on the couch. "Maybe you can ask him.."

Kou giggled "I'm not sure what you mean neko~chan..."

I tightened my fist, trying to keep my anger inside of me. I sighed and went back to my room.

"Ah man!! The first-aid kit downstairs" so I slowly climbed down the stairs and...

I hide behind the railing to see Ruki bitch slapping Kou.

"Don't 'what the hell' me, who gave you permission to harm Yui.."

My eyes widened, not that I didn't mind Ruki bitch slapping his ass but I never seen this side of him.

I can see Kou's right eye start to glow red under his hair. "Why do you even care!! She's just a human!! She doesn't des-"

Kou puts a hand on his cheek, where Ruki slapped him again. "I am only going to say this once, and only once.." his eyes start to glow blue.

"If you can't hold your tongue next time, I'll gladly remove it for you.."

I almost fall back as I hurry back to my room.


I run a hand through my blond hair. But his eyes.... Shu told me that happens when vampires have a flashback. Then why did it seem like..

Knock knock
"Miss. Komori... May I come in..." Ruki says behind the door.

"Sure.." I said nervously, as the door swings open. Ruki comes in with a medicine box in his hand.

"I'm so sorry for Kou's behavior." He says.

I rub my arm "Well, I mean it was the girls who really did the beating..."

Ruki takes my bruised arm in his hand "That still doesn't forgive the fact that he harmed you.."

I blush, "oh.."
WTF!! Why would you just say oh? REALLY YUI!!

He smiles and starts to apply achool over the wound.

"I should also apologize over the behalf of Azusa too.. he can be.." he sighs. "They just can't get over the fact that you aren't an ordinary human only used for blood."

I looked at him puzzled "Why does everyone say I'm not ordinary.."

Ruki wraps my arm and takes my hand. "You're the first and last bride that survived the attack of Cordelia and defeated her. Plus the aroma of your blood has a very special smell.." he says putting his lips on my hand.

I withdrawed "You aren't gonna go all vampire killer right?"

He chuckles "I can control my thrist for blood, unlike the others I am the eldest out of all of them.."

I sighed "So... I'm guessing that's the reason you kidnapped me.."

He doesn't look up from bandaging my hand. "Yes I suppose... It was more of King Karlheinz's suggestion.. and we must-"

I scold "Ketchup king.."
I shook my head "Anyways, who is this king guy? I remember Ayato saying he was their father and the king of all vampires... but what does he have to do with you?"

Ruki smiles "The man was the one who turned us into vampires, he gave us a second chance when nobody else did..."

"Wow and here I thought he was an asshole.."

Ruki laughs lightly
"But what does have to do with me? Why am I dragged into your mess.." I said.

Ruki finishes wrapping my arm and moves onto my leg. "My King is a strange man, the only thing he ordered was to kidnap you, the rest is confidential.."

"Huh? You aren't going to tell me!!"
"Sadly I can't.."

He finishes wrapping my leg and stands up "That should be all of it.. I'm glad we could talk Miss. Komori.."

I nod as he leaves the room.

"Ayato get down here this instant!!" Reji yelled.
"GO AWAY OLD MAN!!"  Ayato responded as I chuckled.

Reji sighs as he walks back to the rest of us "Shu, did you even make an effort to call him down?"

I nod "I did then he threw a shoe at my face.."

"He's been stuck in his room for the whole week since bitch~chan's disappearance" Laito sighs.

"Yui isn't gone.." Subaru said his snow white hair covering his ruby red eye.

Kanato sighs "then where is she? Let's go and get her already!!"

I sighed sitting up "It isn't that easy, she's being held at Mukami mansion.."

I looked at Kanato "and we can't cross their territory, it's against the law.."

Subaru punched the table "They crossed our territory first!! They broke the law first!!"

"That's enough Subaru... you shouldn't be the one talking since you were the one that left Yui without taking her home.." Reji says.

Subaru growls at him his eyes glowing red "You don't think I know that!!" He says punching Reji in the face, knocking his glasses to the floor.

Reji's eyes glow purple "You little!!"

I pull Subaru back "As much as I would like to see you beat my brother, we don't have time for that.."

"Tch.." Subaru scoffs walking away as Reji scolds at him picking his glasses up.

I sighed collapsing into the sofa.
"What are we going to do?"

Diabolik Lover: Yui the Badass (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now