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Another swirl of feelings pick up and go through my body, one from the strength boost vampire grandma gave me and this one coming from the man right in front of me. 

Your drooling honey 

I touch the side of my mouth to feel nothing wet and to only hear Cordelia's mischievous chuckle in my mind. But, I didn't care because he was finally in front of me. "Ayato..." my voice softens. 

"Pancake, this is a start you calling me by my name?" The red haired Sakamaki stands in front of me. "Have you gotten softer from the last time I saw you?" he teases. 

Yup, just like his mother. I scoff at him, "As if! Are you here to take me home or what?" 

Ayato smiles, looking over to the blueberry headed Mukami and giving him a smirk. "Of course, my bride." he calls me for the first time, making Ruki scold at him. 

"Eve doesn't belong to the Sakamakis anymore!!" Ruki roars, his fists clenching. Does this guy even know my name? It's YUI  dumbass!! 

"You're right, she doesn't belong to the Sakamakis, she belongs to me!!" He says, taking my hand, making my cheeks tint red. I could see his smile widen from my reaction. 

"AND IT'S YUI, ASSHOLE!!" I yelled back, trying to rub off the blush. 

Ruki calms down, from his anger. His hand unclenching back into a not so welcoming hand. "Eve, be a good girl and come back to me, don't make me punish you." 

Kill him 

"I'm going to kill whoever disobeys Yours truly and his bride." Ayato says walking towards him, almost making Ruki quiver when his eyes turn emerald green. "And didn't you hear, her names Yui." 

Ayato lashes out his fist to Ruki, punching him square in the jaw. Both the vampires fight each other, it was like one of those boxing matches. 


Stop daydreaming human!! 

Cordelia says making my boxing daydream disappear. "What's wrong now?" I asked, folding my arms as the two lashed out to each other. 

You humans are so idiotic, someone's calling out for you. 

"huh?" I looked around to try and find out what she was talking about. Until my eyes finally rest on a dark shadowy figure, it's almost haunting a skull mask hides the face of the guy, wearing a black cloak that flows through the wild wind. "What the hell is that?" 

How should I know? 

I scold at her silently, "Well you always act like you know everything." I look back at the skulled figure and freeze to see him staring right at me. "WHAT THE FU-" 

"Pancake." an arm snakes around my waist, making me jump. I look behind me to see Ayato's head resting on my shoulder. 

My whole face starts to turn red, he was lucky I turned around and saw him. I thought blue balls got him, I would've went all kung fu on his ass and kick him the nuts. "H-Hi." I stuttered, turning around to meet him.


I ignore Cordelia's words, because even if she was in my head, all I could think of was him. Ayato's hands rested on my waist, with his face close to mine. I take my hand and hold his smooth pale skinned cheek, his emerald eyes grew soft when I held him. 

And despite my red flushed face, I brought up the courage to bring him down to me, making his lips meet mine. The grip on my waist tightens and my hand starts to slide onto his shoulders. 

After that, he breaks the kiss and my face starts to grow even more red. Aw man, am I that bad of a kisser? "If you keep kissing me like that, I don't think I can contain myself anymore." bringing me closer to him. 


My head swirls from his words and I finally stop when I catch onto Cordelia's words. I coughed, pushing him away a bit. "Stupid- Tomato head." 

"You two are gross." a voice says, we both looked down the hall to see a familiar albino walking towards us with a giddy fedora at his side. 

"Subaru, Laito?" I said in a surprised tone. "You came?" 

"My brother was so worried about you bitch-chan!! He started acting like Subaru." Laito says pointing to the white haired Sakamaki. 

"HEY!!" Both Subaru and Ayato yelled at the same time. 

I giggle, looking at the two argue at Laito. I finally felt like everything was okay, not that I have these three idiots here. "Lets go home already." 

Subaru nudges at Ayato, Laito at the opposite side giving him a smirky look. "STOP THAT!!" Ayato roars angrily at the two of them, he takes my hand and pulls me toward him. "I'll take you back." 

Ayato lightly walks toward the exit and I look back at the two of them, Laito giving me a heart shaped by the curls of his fingers and Subaru rolling his eyes at us. And when we finally get out of that hell hole of a mansion, I take a deep breath looking up at the million of stars that shined through the night sky. 

"Are you finally relieved?" Ayato says holding onto my hand. 

A bubbly feeling hums through my heart. "Yeah," I plant my feet onto the grass suddenly when I smell a scent of smoke, he stops walking and looks back at me. I look at the mansion and see the flames engulfing the mansion. "Laito?" 

"Yeah.... he suggested it." Ayato answers, then taking both my hands. "I don't want you to ever remember the memories back at that wretched mansion. That's why I'll burn it to the ground for you." His emerald eyes full of madness, almost makes me scared, but then he plants a kiss onto my head. "You're with us now." 

I put on smile, squeezing his hand. "I love you, you crazy bastard." I smack him playfully on the shoulder, making him laugh a little. The bastard burned a building for me, get a man that can do both.

His eyes soften from me, making his laughter turn into a smile. "I-" 


Ayato's eyes widen and something spills onto my clothes, I look down squinting from the dark to notice it was his blood. The grip he had on my hand tightens and he starts to cough out blood, I look at his stomach to see a the head of a knife coming out. "AYATO!!" I screamed, "HOW DID THIS HAPPENED?!"  

Yui? Didn't you forget about something?

Diabolik Lover: Yui the Badass (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now