The bride

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You know the feeling where you feel like the world's gonna end, that's how I felt when Karlheinz said "pick your bride!!"

I knew what was happening.... This ketchup dude was trying to hook me up with Shu!! 

I was so angry it reminded of the way my dad sold me off. My eyes stared into Karlheinz soul filled with hate. 

The others looked confused.

"Shu... You need a bride to be a king so.. Choose one.." Karlheinz said simply.

This bastard tricked me!!

"Hey!! You can't do this!!" I yelled, 

They ignored me still looking at each other. "Well son... Choose... "

Shu put a hand on his chin as if it was a hard decision he examined each of his brides including me. Then went to Subaru who was standing next me. 

"I chose this one..." Shu  says pointing at Subaru.

Subaru tenses up "WAIT WHAT!!"

Shu smiles as Subaru starts to freak out.

"Oh my!! Alright then!!" Karlheinz says.

"So does this mean I get to take off the dress now..." I ask Ayato.

Ayato shrugs his shoulder watching Reji shake his head at both Shu.

I sighed but laughed bit too.

Seeing Shu as a king and Subaru as his king will be pretty funny

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