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I slam the door. THAT'S RIGHT!! SLAM!! As I collapsed onto my bed throwing a pillow into my face.

"I HATE THIS PLACE!!" I yelled into the soft pillow but the only thing that came out was a muffle under it.

I removed the pillow and sighed. I need to get out of here.... I look out the window, nobody was there. Perfect.

If I could escape without anybody seeing. I can go back to the Sakamakis mansion.


I turn around to see the bandaged vampire near my doorway.

"Oh its you... what's your name? Azusa?"

He starts to walk towards me "Correct, I hope you don't think of leaving this place... it would be a shame."

I grit my teeth, how did he know? "And why's that?"

Azusa smiles creepily "According to Ruki, if our little prisoner escapes..." he pulls out a knife, making me tense up.

"Then we have ever right to punish them!!" He says, before I could protect myself. Azusa slashes his knife leaving a cut on my cheek.

"Tell me.... are you afraid of pain?" He says. I clutch my cheek. "BASTARD!!"

He stabs me, making me roar in pain.

"Did that hurt?" Azusa smiles.
I clutch my stomach, blood wetting my hand. "FUCK!! OF COURSE IT HURTS!!"

He laughs "But how much does it hurt!!" Azusa stabs me on my arm making me fall onto the floor.

My back arches, as my eyes filled up with pain, I scream feeling another stab on my other hand.


Azusa maneuvers his body so that it's over mines. "Now tell me...." He says pulling my hair stained with blood up to his mouth. "Do you love me?"

Before I could answer, he stabbed me in the chest.

Diabolik Lover: Yui the Badass (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now