Heart of a demon

421 15 4

"Oh darling, you aren't all alone.."

I jump back, holding myself to the door. "JESUS? IS THAT YOU?!"

"No you dimwit! Gosh are all humans stupid like you?"

A voice in my head? Is that even possible? But, why does this voice seem so... familiar?

"Who are you?"
"Darling, shouldn't it be obvious? Just listen from your heart.."

I touch my chest, which was beating rapidly from the shocking voice in my head. "My heart.." the heart of the demon lord's daughter...


"You're... Cordelia.."
"You've finally noticed.."

I stood up in anger, "What are you doing in my head!?"

"But I'm your heart, and do you really think I would want to stay in your head. All I get are raging hormones for my son."

My face turns red, she knows about me and Ayato!! "HEY STOP SNOOPING INTO MY THOUGHTS!!" I yell clutching my head.

"Not my intention darling, but shouldn't you be worried about escaping this cell.."

I clutch the steel bars. "Its not like I could get out, I'm only human after all.." I sighed, "But hey, you were married to Karlheinz.. right?"

"A very fine gentlemen.... yes.."

"Do you.. know about Karlheinz's plan?" I asked.

"You mean Adam and Eve's plan, correct?"

I nod

"The reason why my husband married me so that our children could be the new race. However, it didn't work how he wanted it to.. That's why every so years I was transferred into bride's body. But they soon died because they couldn't handle my heart..."

"But then, came you... who was not only able to survive my attack but able to harness my power and lure me out.."

"Lure you out?" I cross my arms. "You came to me!"

"Well then I should thank the blue haired man, he locked you here to lure me out."

"WOW!! Now I'm stuck here not able to escape and with a plus a dead women to annoy me!" I sighed. "I just want to go home.."

"Now Darling, I never said escape was impossible. All you have to do is let me help you.."

"No one's that stupid, I know all you want to do is take over my body!" I yell.

"I can't, all I am in a voice trapped in your head. I could never control you."

"Then why do you want to help me!?"

"It would be boring if we were stuck here for the rest of our lives!"

"Plus.. I know my son well enough to know that he won't let the one's he love go away that easily.."

I scratched my head, "What?"

There was a loud knocking on the door. "Who could that be?" Kou says, removing one of his earbuds. When he opened the door, he was face to face with a charming smile and a pair of sparkling green eyes.

"Fufu~ Kou-chan, it's been such a long time!" Laito says lifting up his fedora, revealing a mischievous smile.

"L-Laito?" Kou's hair on his neck stood up. He remembered what happened to Yuma.

"Why so scared Kou?" Laito says with a sly tone. "However, I do hear that you've taken our bitch~chan.. I do hope you are willing to return her."

"And if we aren't.." Kou says forcing a smile. "What are you going to do? Hit me?"

Laito laughs. "I would never do such a thing!"


Kou falls down a black bruise forming on his cheek. "Wha-"

"Like I said I would never do it, but he would.." Laito says as he steps back revealing the fist that hit Kou belonging to the youngest brother of the Sakamakis.

Subaru marched through the door, looking down at trembling Kou. "Don't get in our way."

Behind him, Ayato storms in. "WHERE'S YUI!!" He roars at Kou. But Kou was too scared to even answer.

"Gah!! Useless.." Ayato looks around the room. Laito touches his shoulder, "Calm down brother... we'll find her.."

"But not quickly... I will tear this mansion down and down again.. if it means to find her..

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