Back to the Beginning

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The sound of bells fill the void I was in, so peaceful it was like a lullaby singing me to sleep. The bell rang a second time, but it seemed more of groan than a peaceful song. I open my eyes to see that I was back in the mysterious place under the apple tree and with the peaceful setting. 

However, it was different from the first time. The tree was rotting with the leaves wilting some falling to the ground, making the branches bare with no fruits. I stand up to look at the dying tree and see an apple on the ground. 

The sweet red color had turned dark, rotten as well. 

The bells that use to sing so lovely, were now groaning from the broken setting. And I'm stuck here wondering what the hell is happening. 

"Congratulations..."  a new voice stepping in. 

I look behind me to see the familiar purple haired women, standing in the water away from the tree. Her back face towards me, I almost drop the rotten apple. 

The women turns around, her green eyes staring into my red one's. Cordelia, staring back at me. "You've escaped, never thought a human like you would." 

I look around, at the dying setting. "This isn't real... it's a dream." 

A leaf falls down from the tree and lands onto Cordelia's stretched out hand. "Yes, this setting is only a vision in your head, like me." 

I look around at the scenery, "It's..." then at the apple in my hand the leaf of it turning dark green almost black. "It's dying..." then I look back at Cordelia. The bells had stopped ringing, and she only smiles despite the dying mood. 

"That's what happens when you finally escape your fate... your destiny... everything that belonged to it disappears..." Cordelia says. I look down at her purple dress that seems to bloom red, only noticing it was blood instead. She's dying as well, "This place, the Sakamaki and Mukami mansion... and me. They will all be nothing but a memory.." 

I look up to see the branches falling from the tree and the green lawn I was on starting to crumble, the plants wilting. "W-What's happening?!" 

I look back at Cordelia, blood dripping down her mouth. "You've escaped Yui..." 

"Wha-" the land I was standing on was no longer there and I start to fall into the darkness. 

"...And there's no turning back."

My eyes shot open, my heart beat going hay wired. The first thing I see is an unfamiliar ceiling. No not unfamiliar, one I haven't seen in a long time. 

I immediately try to sit up, not liking the new setting I was in. However, when I tried to bring myself up a sharp pain spiked along my back. I hissed, from the sudden pain then use the back of my hands to raise myself up. 

I touched the back area under my shirt to feel bumps, bruises to put it more bluntly. I look around the room that was unlike the one back at Sakamaki mansion or even Mukami mansion. Did I get kidnapped again? 

The light pink curtains fly from the slightly opened window, flying through the breeze. I turn to my side, pressing my feet to the wooden floor. To the right was a shelf full of my favorite books, my desk on the left with all my supplies scattered. And the seat near the window where I would stare at the night skies. 

I was in my room, I was back home.

At least I wouldn't call it home..... 

I stand up slowly, my muscles aching from my drowsy state of mind. "How am I back here?" I ask myself running my fingers through all the books that were placed on my shelf. 

What happened last night? I tried to remember the events, I recall being with Ayato. Everything seemed fine, the Mukami mansion burned down while we walked back to the Sakamaki mansion. But then... 

A flash of memory, let's me see the assassin that ruined it all. The vampire hunter, he shot Ayato... And took me back..

I stare back at my room, feeling uneasy from the environment. He took me back to a place, a place I never wanted to return to.  

I clench my jaw, from the growing anger that expanded in my chest. And it was all my father's idea. How dare he take me back, when I told him specifically to fuck off!! 

I unleashed my anger by punching the book case, making two of the books fall out from their place. I slide down to the floor in anger, that's what Cordelia meant. When I escaped my destiny, they forced me to!!

The door opens and I can hear footsteps hurrying over to me. "Y-Yui!!" a voice too familiar. I turn around to see an old man with a worried look on his face. However, he looked cautious of what would happen next. I wouldn't blame him, I looked like I was about to snap in a second. 

"I.. heard a bump... I t-thought you were hurt.." my father says to me, not looking at me as he take a new interest on the floor. His fingers wrapping around his own arm. 

I stood up with a scold on my face. "Why did you bring me back..?" I say getting straight to the point. The question making my father jolt up a little. 

My father gulps, taking his eyes off the god damn floor. "I was thinking we discuss that... after we have breakfast downstairs... you know.. when you get settled in-"

"DAD!! I DON'T WANT TO SETTLE DOWN!!" I yelled at him, annoyed that he even had the nerve to ask such a thing. "Hell!! I don't even want to stay here!!" I bang my fist against the wall, making the shelves shake from the vibration. 

My dad cries out, "I know you are furious, but please let me fix this, let us mend our relationship as father and daughter-" 

"YOU DESTROYED IT!! Frankly, I don't even see you as my dad anymore." I interrupted him, I can feel my eyes glowing red from the anger that was flowing through my head, like a flood going through a dam. 

My father looks at me, sadness in his eyes. "I understand... I deserve this for sending you there in such a hellish place...." 

I stood up, staring down at the hopeless man that I used to call my father. "You're wrong..." Holding my fist as it shakes from the exploding anger that shocked through my soul. "That place was my home... They made me into what I am now!" My red eyes glowing with power. 


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