chapter 3 - what happened

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Tessa wasn't coming and chance was going to stay with her along with nick

We met logan at the club

We were here for like an hour and me and logan was completely drunk

Logan and me were sat in a booth whilst everyone else was dancing

Logan: you look great tonight

Ariana: you sure thats not drunk logan

Logan: I am drunk but you are stunning

Ariana: your not to bad yourself

Logan: I love your Instagram post

Ariana: thanks here's my number
Logan: sober logan will message you

Ariana: your such a laugh

Logan: I can't take my eyes of you
Logan slurred our face inches apart

Ariana: well I'd be lieing if I said you were ugly

Logan pressed his lips against mine I couldn't remember what happened after that

I woke up at 9:30 with the worst headache ever i was still in my night out outfit and got changed into gym gear

Memories of last night started flooding in

I kissed logan

What will jake think?

Will he kick me of team 10?

Does logan even remember ?

I headed down the stairs to get some pain killers

Nick was the only one awake

Ariana: nick I've made a mistake

Nick: what have you done

Ariana: I kissed logan

Nick: how's that a mistake

Ariana: jakes my best friend what would he think of this

Nick: calm down your ok talk to jake if he is your true best friend he'd understand

Ariana: thanks

I heared Erica and tessa talking in Erica room i went and joined them

Erica: are you ok you don't look to good

Ariana: I made a huge mistake well I'm not sure if it is a mistake

Tessa: what happened

Ariana: me and logan kissed

Erica: how's that a mistake

Ariana: jake is my bestfriend what will he think he won't see it like I do

Tessa: jake will understand

Ariana: that's why I love you girls
Tessa: we love you to talk to jake and talk to logan

Erica: you never know what will happen take a risk yeah

Ariana: ok anyway are we going to the gym

Erica: yeah let's wake everyone up

I decided on starting my vlog

Hey guys good morning how you all doing I didn't start this vlog from when I first woke up because last night we all went clubbing and I'm still a little hung over

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