chapter 57- going back to england

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I woke up booked some plane tickets to England then called zoe

phone conversation between zoe and Ariana


Ariana: hi zoe

zoe: hey how are you

Ariana: not good if you watch my vlogs youd know my mom is cured but my brother lied to me and my boyfriend well now ex boyfriend and I wanted to see you again I'm coming to England ive booked a BMB because I don't know how long I'm staying for and I don't want to be in the vlogs

zoe: that's fine ill pick you up from the airport what time does your flight land

Ariana: no don't worry about it because I need to get on the train then get into a uber I ordered its fine zoe honestly

zoe: well ill see you tomorrow

Ariana: ok


I packed my big suitcase with loads of clothes and then my carry on was for my camera mac book all of the chargers I know have everything I need for me to stay in England I made sure I had all my bank cards

I then carried my suitcases down the stairs I then went to jakes room

Ariana: jake wake up

jake: hey

jake sat up

Ariana: I'm leaving I'm not sure how long for but I will be back ill make sure I'm 2 week tops

jake: hey take as long as you need

Ariana: thanks jake

jake: no problem please let me drive you to the airport your my best friend I dotn want to see you go

Ariana: of course you can

jake: are you going to tell your fans

Ariana: I'm going to ring logan in the car

jake: ok

Ariana: do you reckon he will be awake

jake: he would of woken up 1 hour ago

Ariana: ok

jake got changed and then put my suitcase in his car

jake: when you get back I will have my lambo

Ariana: I cant wait to see it

I then rang logan

phone conversation between logan and Ariana


logan: hey

Ariana: this isn't the call you were hoping for I'm not ready to run back into your arms

logan: ok I understand

Ariana: I'm going to England for a little bit I am going to be staying in an BMB and be spending my time with zoe and Alfie the british youtubers I told you about and I rang you to know if I can tell my fans about us

logan: yeah you can , can we start over as friends please keep in touch

Ariana: ill try logan but all good things come to an end

logan: this good thing isn't at an end I'm in love with you Ariana

Ariana: I love you to logan bye


I ended the call with a few tears down my face we arrived at the airport jake gave me a big hug and then I went through security and sat down for 10 minutes befor the plane started boarding

I sat on the plane and looked out the window

I tried getting to sleep so my jet lag wasn't so bad

I slept for 9 hours of the ride and ordered some food and drink

I ate that and uploaded yesterdays vlog befor I knew it , it was the end of the plane ride I unbuckled my seat belt and rant to collect my suitcase it came out eventually and I got into my uber to the train station the London streets was crisp and silent I got into my uber and went to the train station

once I arrived there I payed for a ticket and went onto my platform the train made its way to the platform and I jumped on it showed the man my ticket sat down

I watched zoes vidoes on the train it went pretty quick after then I got into another uber and headed to my BMB I got my key to my room and headed up it was basically a little apartment it had a kitchen bedroom bathroom and balcony it also had a little desk which was super cute

I unpacked my bags into the little storage area and made myself some toast with the bread they supplied for me there was also a coffie machine so I made myself a latte

I rested on my bed and messaged jake logan and zoe to let them know I'm in the BMB

I then got out my laptop and called michelle on facetime

facetime between michelle and Ariana


Ariana: hi michelle I know I should of called you first to let you know but I'm in England and I'm staying here for about 2 weeks

michelle: that's ok jake rang me and told me what your going through take a break of the vlogs sort yourself out but please do some business

Ariana: well ive wrote a song ill send it over to you I also went to the studio and recorded it let me know what you think

michelle: I will and remember your tattoo live by that Ariana your an amazing girl you know and your crazy talented and your youtube has just hit 8.5 mill close to 10 at I'm always checking because I know you have so many people who love you I mean you vlog you dance you sing your good at sports you model what more could anyone achieve

Ariana: thanks michelle I wouldn't be doing this without you

michelle: I know but I needed you to be able to accomplish it your a creative girl Ariana make sure you enjoy this break but keep on top of your emails ive got everything else sorted

Ariana: thanks michelle I'm going to go now because of the time zones ill be calling again soon

michelle: bye enjoy yourself


I showered got changed into my pjs then platted my hair so it looked decent for tomorrow because I'm emotionally drained I decided id film my little video tomorrow explaining why I'm here and whats going on logan proberly has already filmed it I also needed to let them know that if they live in America it was going to be a different time because of being in a different time zone but whoever lived in England still had a different time aswell because I didn't know what time I uploaded iin England I could try but thatd be difficult

I jumped into bed put my phone on charge my laptop on charge and made sure my camera was all set for tomorrow aswell I then lay in my bed

I tried to fall aseep but it took me like 1 hour

(A/N the sequel to this book will be coming soon thanks for almost 500 reads I feel as if ive progressed over the chapters of this book and I'm slowly making my writing 100% without spelling mistakes but I don't use punctuation comment some things youd like in this book keep it sensible no aliens like chad tepper would say 'DONT COME FOR ME' check out my other books ive created a joe sugg fanfiction check it out if you don't know who he is look him up

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