chapter 45- home

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me and logan woke up at 4:00 we packed all our suitcases to our surprise pam was already awake and got ready

me and logan woke up at 4:00 we packed all our suitcases to our surprise pam was already awake and got ready

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pam: i wanted to give you breakfast and take you to the airport

ariana: aww pam

we ate pams breakfast and then left for the airport

once we arived we hugged pam and then we left to go through security

we do the usual stuff youd do in the airport and then boarded our plane

we took of me and logan watched a film and fell asleep logan must of woke up befor me because he whispered in my ear that we needed to get ready fro landing we buckled our seat belts back up

and landed we clamided our bags and then got in an uber and went back to logans

once we were at  logans i started my vlog

hi guys as you can see were in logans aprtment i didnt vlog in the morning because i had nothing interesting to vlog it is currently im not going to say if you saw yesterdays vlog youll understand why im going to be going back to the team 10 house shortly

logan drove me back to hte house everyone must be at the gym i put my suitcase in my room  and then headed back down the stairs they should be back in ten minuites so i planned on seeing how much i can scare them

i hid in the office and shut the door because i knew kade would come straight here i just realized nick is proberly in his room

im back at the team 10 house im going to try scared as many as i can their all at the gym i think apart from nick i think hes in his room so hes not involved with this oh look what i found a taser wait can we go back to when jake and tristen made that invension and i got tazered in the boob jake laughed now lets see what he has to say about this

I set up my cameras everywhere to get the best angles for my fans they finally arrived kade and jake came into the office first I tazed jake then kade then ran out and tazed chad Anthony and chance

jake: ariana

he ran hugged me

jake: did you have fun in ohio

kaitlin: yeah

then jake tazed me

jake: I don't care if you had fun

I was on the floor holding my leg

once everyone had settled down I collected all the cameras in and vlogged

as you saw it didn't go to plan because jake got me back luckily I didn't get thrown into the lagoon ive collected all the cameras in and now I'm going to do my laundry

I did all my laundry and then I put the photos up on my wall perfect i then got into some gym clothes and headed to the gym because i havent been and all the food we ate at ohio i think i need to get back in shape

I vlogged me jogging to the gym because I haven't vlogged much

I'm on my way to the gym seeing as I haven't been I'm guessing logan might of aswell not tonight though because he needs to see kong Lydia and I believe evan is back I still haven't met him yet I think I will meet him tomorrow anyway ill see you at the gym

I arrived at the gym and made a time lapse of me working out I grabbed a juice on the way home once I arrived I had a shower and then headed back down the stairs

jake: did you actually have fun though in ohio

Ariana: yeah

jake: does noah like logan

Ariana: they loved each other he spoke to logan more than me ben misses you

jake: I know I miss him to and your moms breakfast

Ariana: it hasn't changed

jake: ill have to visit them soon

Ariana: you should I'm sure they all miss you

jake: your sure

Ariana: I know

me and jake messed around on the trampoline doing crazy stunts for his vlog

he then ended his vlog

jake: what does noah and everyone think of you and logan i know i asked a similar question earlier

ariana: they were all fine but theirs one issue

jake: what

ariana: i tryed getting into his diary

jake: bad idea he still is pranking me and still hasnt had enough revenge yet

ariana: why do i have such i big nose and live this vlog life

jake: do you know your going to hit 6 million soon

ariana: what it was like last week when i did my giveaway

jake: well your rising

jake opened up his laptop and showed me i then spoke to my vlog

guys were 2000 away from hitting 6 million come on guys your amazing ive missed it with going to ohio and then not tomorrow but the day after doing something else for you guys and the whole issue thing i didnt even realize we hit 5 million i guess you all deserve a round of applause and we could say i took some sort of social media break obviously not from vlogging this is my passion this is my life im so open na di near enough vlog everything but i do have my secret bits like what happening not tomorrow but the next day and then that will be going on for a week and then went i get back i think its 3 days after its my big day my birthday im so excited you dont even understand anyway i think ill end my vlog here thanks for watching todays post notification shout out goes to user4356875 thanks for watching my videos ive also replyied to your comment if youwould like a post notification shout out turn the bell on and comment when your done i also reply to your comments ill catch you tomorrow at the gym

i said goodnight to jake got ready for bed and sat and edit and uploaded my vlog then watched everyones vlog and finally drifted of to sleep

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