Chapter 35 - theropy

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I woke up and showered I hate feeling like everyone needs to be happy around me I know I brought this on my self

I decided on getting changed into something comfy because I'm king to theropy and then that's it I don't have any plans yet of what im doing

I decided on getting changed into something comfy because I'm king to theropy and then that's it I don't have any plans yet of what im doing

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I still decided on covering my arms because I was so embarrassed

I then decided on starting my vlog

I already for my theropy meeting with Jake he kindly said he'd join me and he booked it in paying I don't want him doing that much I've covered my arms because I'm really embarrassed by it and I hope I learn that that's not the right attitude I'm going to eat I'll show you guys so I have proof I've ate

I set up a time lapse whilst I eat some cereal once I finish I wash my dish up and Jake comes down the stairs

Jake: have you ate

Ariana: I have vlog footage of me eating

Jake: you told them then

Ariana: I want to get better with them I don't want to keep secrets

Jake: well lets go

We jumped into blood shark

We're on our way to theropy now I'll let you know how it goes after that's one thing I don't want to share sorry

We arrive at theropy and I go in

Theropy: I'm Michelle

Ariana: hi

Michelle: I'm just going to ask some questions to you and Jake

After she asked me and Jake questions she wanted to know if she could speak to me on my own

Ariana: yeah sure

Jake leaves the room

Michelle : how do you feel when you cut your arms

Ariana: relived like it makes me look better but really it makes me look worse

Michelle: ok have you wanted to cut since Jake confronted you

Ariana: yes I have but Tessa and Erica wanted me in their room so they can keep an Eye on me

Michelle: have you eaten

Ariana: I wasn't really hungry but I had some cereal

Michelle: can you do me a huge favour

Ariana: what's that

Michelle: when you feel like cutting were what you want to do to your self and how you feel on paper and after you written it put it in a folder and then bring them to your next theropy session

Ariana: ok

I left and me and Jake grabbed lunch after Jake ordered for me Because he knows I'll just say I'm not hungry

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