chapter 13 - hang out party

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I decided I'd start getting ready so I jumped in the shower and then did my hair

I then chose a bikini and an outfit

I then chose a bikini and an outfit

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I then messaged logan telling him I was ready for him to pick me up

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I then messaged logan telling him I was ready for him to pick me up

To logan:
I'm already now

I decided I'd wait outside and speak to my vlog

Hey guys were going to have to hide a little bit so you guys don't scream at me what do you guys think of my outfit and my hair are you guys a fan

I'll catch you guys at the party

I was sat their for another 5 minutes when I heared logans car honk I ran outside grabbing my its everyday Bro backpack

Which had my macbook it's charger a jumper my phone and my phone charger I also put sun cream in their

I jumped in logans car and he drove away

Logan: you look stunning

Ariana: thanks babe

He gave me a quick kiss and concentrated on the road we arrived shortly after and logan vlogged going in and shooting them

Jack: hi again

Ariana: hey wow your house is amazing this is where the magic happens huh

Corbyn: that's right let's head outside .

Everyone jumped in the pool and i carried on my vlog

Look at this view its amazing their all in the pool I think I'm going to tan for a little bit first

Anyway I'll set you up for a time lapse

I left my camera and took my cloths of and lay on their sunbeds

Logan: come in the pool

Ariana: I'm ok

Logan: dont make me get you

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