chapter 5- date

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I arrived at his apartment and jumped in the elevator and went to pent house I found his door and knocked

Logan: hey

Ariana: hey Logan

Logan: you look beautiful

Ariana: you don't look to bad yourself

Logan: thank you

We both ate the meal his personal chef made for us and sat on his love sacks

Ariana: so tell me more about yourself

Logan: I'm a daily vlogger I have 11, million subscribers I have a dog called Kong and a roommate called Evan I have merch maverick merch he is my parrot I write songs distracts to jake normal songs I record them with a band called why don't we

Ariana: wow your life is very exciting I take it your from ohio aswell

Logan: yeah where are you from

Ariana: ohio aswell

Logan: really tell me about you

Ariana: well I'm a daily vlogger aswell I'm almost at 4 million subscribers I love going to the gym I want a dog not sure what dog I have merch coming out I guess I'm not as interesting as you

Logan: I Think Your Interesting

Ariana: thanks I've always wanted to record some songs raps and other things but I don't have the confidence to

Logan: let me hear you

Ariana: I can't

Me and logan sat on the sofa snuggled up together watching TV

Logan: thanks for coming

Ariana: thanks for inviting me it's been fun

You and logan kiss and then you head home when you arrive everyone's in bed and Erica is tidying up

Erica: how'd it go

Ariana: great ill help you

Erica: thanks these boys are wild

Ariana: I know

Erica: did you kiss

Ariana: maybe

Erica: Omg

Ariana: I know

Erica: thanks for helping me

Ariana: no problem I'm going to head to bed

erica: ok goodnight

ariana: night

i got changed into my pjs and drifted of to sleep i was woken up by jake for the first time he did the prank that he did on tessa the buried alive prank

After screaming my head of I finally got out

Jake: finally got you

Ariana: I thought I was dead

Chance: we just did the same to tessa

Ariana:you to are so heartless

Jake: well get ready were going to the gym

I got changed into my gym cloths

I headed out to everyone and we went to the gym I didn't realise logan was coming

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